SPIDER: Let me out of here! He's fighting us. Give us a minute. SPIDER: I don't know! Just form a thought, and we will see it. SPIDER: I don't know! GENERAL ARDMORE: Look, I don't like this any more than you do. (SPIDER YELLS IN PAIN) Which clans would be harboring him? I don't know! You're gonna have to kill me! (SPIDER SCREAMS) Watch this. You're peaking all over the prefrontal. It's not gonna stop until you give us something. Where is he? (SCREAMING) I don't know, you buttholes! (VOICE CRACKS) Okay? I don't know! (YELLING IN PAIN)
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
Hold here.
Avatar: The Way of Water
You brought this upon us! You! (BREATHING HEAVILY)
Avatar: The Way of Water
(GASPS) Lo'ak! No!
Avatar: The Way of Water
Wait till he's on board.
Avatar: The Way of Water
TUK: Okay, okay. SPIDER: Bro, why'd you bring her anyway? She's such a cry baby. She's all, "I'm telling. "You're not supposed to go to the battlefield. "I'll tell Mom if you don't let me come." Don't pick on her. (TUK JEERING)
(WHISPERS) Fuck! QUARITCH: I took you under my wing, Jake. You betrayed me. You killed your own. Good men. Good women. I will not hesitate to execute your kid.