- Got a little too much steam. - Get off me. All right, let me just shimmy down. - Would you just hold still? Hold still! - Ow. Help!
The Hangover Part III
Hey, guys? I'm feeling better now. All right, it's the next exit, then four miles straight into the desert.
The Hangover Part III
- It's open. - No shit. Well, look around. Let's see if he left anything in here.
The Hangover Part III
- Oh, God! - Come here!
The Hangover Part III
I must resign from the wolf pack.
The Hangover Part III
He's in the trunk.
The Hangover Part III
You won a lot of fights, Wallace.
The Hangover Part III
"Dear Leslie, OMG, the McRib is back! Why was it ever gone?" Exactly! "Dear Alan, I threw urine on prison guard today." "Blamed it on cellmate. Wish you were here." Yeah, I wish I could've seen that. Letter after letter of total nonsense... ...except for one common thread: You guys!
The Hangover Part III
How'd we do? We did good. I got Demerol, a pack of syringes... ...and almost lost my dental license. - What about Chow? Anything? - No. Oh, look at this. He e-mailed me like 20 minutes ago.
The Hangover Part III
Oh, shit! Chow, what the fuck? Watch out for the claws! They're trained to kill! His beak is so sharp! Ow! Ow!
The Hangover Part III
What the fuck's taking them so long? Where'd you get that shirt, the Diesel store?
The Hangover Part III
So we talked to Tracy today... ...and she said that the treatment facility that they found is really nice. It's beautiful. I checked it out online. Great reputation. Who gives a fuck? It's in Arizona. We gotta go on like a two-day drive for this shit? Here we go. They should just save their money and send him to fat camp. - Phil. - What? He should lose weight. He'll find a woman. The dude's lonely. If he's so lonely, why don't the you spend more time with him? - No, trust me, you don't want that. - No. You definitely don't want that. Come on. He's not that bad. I mean, what's the worst that's happened? The tattoo?
The Hangover Part III
You broke into my house. I don't understand. You didn't get back the gold he stole from me. You got the other half that he didn't. Oh. my God! What, you mean the half he never had? He's a world-class rat, and you three were his accomplices. - No! - We had no idea. We were trying to help you. We thought you'd be happy! Thank you so much. Thank you for ripping me off. Thank you for desecrating my home! And thank you for killing my fucking dogs! We didn't kill your dogs. They're just tranquilized. Oh, right. You don't know. - Chow snapped their necks on his way out. - What? And somebody's gotta pay. - He's right. - No, no, no! Aah! My head of security. Couldn't stop three fuckups and a Chinaman with a pair of wire cutters. Unreal.
The Hangover Part III
I could feed him from my tree house. Besides, they remind me a lot of myself. In what way? They're majestic, pensive and tall. - Pensive? - Yeah. - Where'd you learn that word? - "Words With Friends." - What friends, Alan? - You can set it on random. Alan, aside from the fact that you shut down a freeway... ...you murdered a wild animal. It's national news. You don't want to know the checks I had to write to fix this. Oh, please. We're rich. We are not anything, Alan. I am well-off. You are my 40-year-old son... Forty-two. I'm 42! ...42-year-old son who still lives at home. You are to go back on your medication or I'm cutting you off. You're bluffing. When's dinner? Your mother and I can't take this anymore! - Well, you might have to. - I can't do it! I cannot do this!
The Hangover Part III
Ave Maria My God, he's got the voice of an angel. It's breathtaking. Ave Maria I can't believe my daddy is dead. I can think of so many people I would rather have died first. Like my mother.