(CLEARS THROAT) You know, Jim used to say the OASIS was never supposed to be a one-player game.
Ready Player One
You were the Rosebud. And Halliday's biggest regret was losing his only friend.
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It's a test.
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Now, that... That was when I realized that, as terrifying and painful as reality can be, it's also the only place that you can get a decent meal. Because reality is real. You understand what I'm saying?
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I won't make the same mistake you did.
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This can't be the end.
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Ready Player One
He did it.
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Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Mr. Morrow... I mean, Og, how'd you get here so fast? I flew from the stars on my magic sleigh. (CHUCKLES) Everyone's been watching. Of course, I've been watching a little closer than most. You? You're the Curator?
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There's something I need to do first.
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They want your signature, Wade.
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Is Halliday really dead?
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I'm taking the leap.
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And I don't wanna lose that to this colossal douchebag, Nolan Sorrento. This guy. Back to work, people. He thinks that we're all too distracted to even notice... Nolan Sorrento thinks that we won't put up a fight. Sir! Sir! This is going out live! WADE: The only thing Halliday let this guy do... -It's absolutely everywhere. -...was get him a cup of coffee. And now, we're supposed to hand him the OASIS?
Ready Player One
First to the key! ALL: First to the egg! First to the egg! MAN: ♪ We're not gonna take it ♪ No, we ain't gonna take it ♪ We're not gonna take it anymore ♪ We've got the right to choose it ♪ There ain't no way we'll lose it ♪ This is our life, this is our song Adventure. ♪ We'll fight the powers that be just ♪ Don't pick our destiny 'cause ♪ You don't know us, you don't belong -(SQUEALING) -(ALL GRUNTING)