Everyone watching, if you're in the Columbus stacks, this is Parzival. My real-world name is Wade Watts, and we're gonna need your help. Aech, head for the stacks! Okay, hold on! (TIRES SCREECHING)
Ready Player One
Yeah, I know. Not what you were expecting, huh? Yeah, I wasn't expecting a late '30s-model postal van.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
(IN BRITISH ACCENT) Well played, Parzival. (IN NORMAL VOICE) Jim told me nothing about the contest, so there was no rule about me losing a bet to a smart kid. Not that you needed my help. You figured out that Kira was the key on your own. Yeah, but... Kira wasn't the key.
Ready Player One
That's a good choice. (CROWD CHEERING)
Ready Player One
Then what are you?
Ready Player One
Mr. Morrow... I mean, Og, how'd you get here so fast? I flew from the stars on my magic sleigh. (CHUCKLES) Everyone's been watching. Of course, I've been watching a little closer than most. You? You're the Curator?
Ready Player One
There's something I need to do first.
Ready Player One
Aech, what the hell's going on? Just practicing Mario Kart. What do you think? IOI's trying to kill us, man!
Ready Player One
Do you want it or not?
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
F'Nale, listen to me very carefully. (NOLAN GROANS)
Ready Player One
Holy hand grenade! How much did that cost? Less than it's gonna cost them.
Ready Player One
Get me out of this thing.
Ready Player One
But this is my world, Sorrento.
Ready Player One
Wade? Wait, I thought the Cataclyst went off. How are you still playing? Extra life, long story. Sorry I shot you. Sho? What? Do I have to wear a sign saying, "I am 11 years old, shoot me first"? No, thanks. -Dude, give me a hug. -Ninjas don't hug! All right, everybody, hold on to somethin'.
Ready Player One
Is that her? Red hair, IOI uniform, doesn't know what planet she's on? That's her.