- Obeah. - Rahtid. Obeah evil. I not evil, woman. And what you is then?
Meet Joe Black
Where she was born.
Meet Joe Black
Pardon my candor, but I was confounded by your decision this morning. - Why? - I was hired. You told me to help bring Parrish Communications into the 21st century. This merger is the vehicle. - In my estimation... - Perhaps a merger is a way... to bring Bill's company into the 21st century, and perhaps it isn't. And perhaps cheating on your French philosophers exam at the Groton School... was an expedient way to get your diploma, and perhaps it wasn't. Be that as it may, Drew, a question can often be argued both ways. Joe, cut it out. You too, Drew.
Meet Joe Black
- No. - Just kidding? Sit down, Drew. Uh, before I do, I was hoping we might be alone, Bill. Well, Joe and I have no secrets from each other. How nice for you both.
Meet Joe Black
I thought you'd heard it a trillion times before. This part I'm interested in.
Meet Joe Black
With a little white collar that had a little... red piping on it.
Meet Joe Black
- More. - Why didn't you stop me? I don't know.
Meet Joe Black
Well, she had on this little blue suit...
Meet Joe Black
What was it like when you first met?
Meet Joe Black
Meet Joe Black
Everything reminds me of her. There isn't a day goes by that I don't think about her. One day she didn't feel well. The next day she was gone.
Meet Joe Black
Yeah. Cold lamb sandwiches. Not as chewy as roast beef, not as boring as chicken. She knew stuff like that.
Meet Joe Black
- Good? - Mmm. - Yes, what is it? - Cold lamb sandwich with cilantro. A little Coleman's mustard.
Meet Joe Black
So what are you gonna do? Yeah. I guess you've heard all this a trillion times before, huh?