You gotta just-- You gotta tell me what you told them, Blackie. All of it. What you tell them? - I told them all of it. - All of it? I told all of it. I told them how you and your uncle are too much goddamn Jew. Jew? Yeah, I'm sitting here doing life for that Drumright cop. Well, I'm telling you right now, Ernest. You can't handle any prison, boy. You're better off telling them what you know, for your sake, for your family's sake, and for your pleasure. Y-Y-You know something. Youse is as dumb as a washboard. - You know that? - Oh, am I? Yeah, you go on yapping first chance you get, huh, Blackie? We-- We were supposed to be partners. It ain't my fault that you--Partners? It ain't my fault you got caught with the car, you dumbbell. Call me a goddamn partner? You didn't give me shit. Oh, let me tell you something. Hale's got a whole plan. And I'm gonna talk to him, make sure you ain't a part of it 'cause you're so thick in the head. He always said you was thick in the head. You know that? This is the plan. I'm sitting here because of his plan.
Killers of the Flower Moon
- And they ain't gonna get it. - Hmm.
Killers of the Flower Moon
Did you know that?
Killers of the Flower Moon
And your brother is Bryan? - Byron, that's right. - Byron.
Killers of the Flower Moon
- Here? - Yeah, right there.
Killers of the Flower Moon
I'm telling you a secret. You think I open my legs for any man? Well, I get that feeling. Hey! Hey! Come on, now. Get her in the other room now. You are no different, Ernest. Hear me? - You are no different. - Get in the other room!
Killers of the Flower Moon
Too much dynamite.
Killers of the Flower Moon
Two months after that, Tillie dies from poison. Kelsie runs off with Tillie's kids down to Mexico, but he comes back 'cause some smart lawyer tells him he's gonna be in much bigger trouble if he doesn't.
Killers of the Flower Moon
First husband, huh?
Killers of the Flower Moon
- What? - Uh, we-- We need to be quiet for a while.