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Okay, this way. Come on.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

I have some news for you. Javi Ford coppola. Sit. Eat with me.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Perfect. So...

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Now, you get the hell out of here.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

You know what I was thinking? Maybe we could have, like, a paranoid thriller-y angle. Ooh. Paranoid angle. Excellent. Like, see those two guys over there?

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

I think I need to go to bed.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

I think I can hide under the...

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

I'm really glad I got to meet you.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

We must go now. Hey!

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

But then, we will both die and I could never live with myself after that. So you let go.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Hi, Lewis. You're all grown up now. What, are you... What, are you 15? Dad, don't talk to Lewis. Okay. When she was nine years old, my daughter and I took our first trip together. We drove overnight, across the desert, to the Grand Canyon. You remember that, sweetheart? I do remember that. And when the sun came up, I pulled over to the side of the road as she rested her little head on my shoulder and we just watched...

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Which is why this really hurts. Javi. You brought me out here to kill me, man? I'm sorry, Nick. So am I. 'Cause you pull that trigger and we're both dead. Wait. You were gonna kill me? And are those my golden guns? They're my golden guns. And it looks like we both had a little secret, doesn't it? Why the fuck would you kill me? You're the head of a criminal organization. My cousin Lucas is the head of the organization. CIA said you ran it. The whole world thinks I run it. When my father died, Lucas took over. He forced me to be the figurehead. You take his money. You don't just leave this world, Nick. You and everyone you care about is in constant danger. Why do you think I cannot be with Gabriela?

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

No. What do you mean, no? No, no, no. What are you doing? Vivian, what are you doing? Thank you. This is our shot. No, get out. Vivian, get the fuck out of there right... Nicolas cage! Oh, my god! You're so fucking awesome! I love you! Oh, thank you. Oh, me and my nephew Raymond just watched croods 2. Dude! Cracked us up. Can I get a selfie? Sure. Oh, shit. Oh, my god. No, I like that movie, too. You did so good in that movie, man. Thank you. My goodness. I made that movie with Emma stone. You did? She's one of my favorites. But you were the best. Well, thank you. We look good. Well, say hi to your nephew for me. Okay. Yeah. Raymond. Okay. Thank you. All right, bye.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Oh, no, what happened? Oh, she's mad at me because we watched. Cabinet of Dr. Caligari together and she hated it, which I find odd, given how mature her taste normally is. Wait, you're surprised your teenage daughter didn't wanna watch an insane 100-year-old German film with you? Yes. Oh, my god. Okay. Well, it's not just that. You know, she's never read Mary shelley, or Jane Austen, or even twain. What a little philistine. Should we disown her? She thought Humphrey bogart was a porn star. Yeah... What, really? Yeah. That's disappointing. Unless there is a porn star called Humphrey bogart. That would work, wouldn't it? Humphrey. Hump.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

What do you guys want? You want money? Here, take my watch. It's not a copy, it's real. Mr. Cage, we're with the U.S. government. We need your help. The man you're staying with is the head of a violent international arms cartel. Wait, wait, wait. Javi? He's a ruthless motherfucker. He started small, coastal Spain. But then, he got greedy. Trying to expand his operations east, west. Trail of dead bodies in his wake. Javi Gutierrez? Yes, Javi. I don't think we're talking about the same Javi. We're definitely talking about the same fucking Javi. It's the same fucking guy, man. Okay, okay. So, you're CIA, some kind of intelligence, right? And your job is to read people, yeah? Well, as a thespian, that is also my job. To understand people's characters, to feel what they're feeling. Which is how I know that Javi is not a gun dealer. You're saying your acting ability trumps five years of hard data collected by the world's finest intelligence agency? My nouveau shamanic acting ability? You better fucking believe it. Oh! Hey, guys, this sucks. Uh, Nicolas cage's nouveau shamanic acting ability has determined that we got the wrong guy. So, let's pack up our shit and fucking go home. Hey, man, don't mind him. He's all messed up inside. He just found out his wife's been fucking his dad. That's not all the way true. Look, do you recognize this girl?

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Yeah, so along those same lines, I was wondering... And it's totally okay if you haven't, but I was just wondering if you had a chance to read my screenplay? Javi! Can I come or it's only for vip? Uh, Mr. Cage, this is Ms. Gabriela lucchesi. Hi. She runs all of our agricultural operations. And this is my cousin. Lucas Gutierrez. Mr. Cage, we obviously are very excited to have you here. What are you working on next? Well, that's a tough question for an actor to get, but it's fine. Oh. 'Cause I'm no longer an actor. I've retired. What? What do you mean, retired? So, what are you going to do now?

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Addy wants to borrow your belt. Oh, yeah, I do. It looks like it's got some weight. Well, yeah, it's a big, fat tarantula. You know my dresser, Jeff. Mr. Neiman Marcus? Yes. He wanted me to wear a bee. And I said, "Jeff, not the bees. Not the bees". So, he said, "well, how about a scorpion?" I said, "I think a scorpion is a little aggressive, Jeff." "What about a tarantula?" He goes, "well, I don't think" "that's any less aggressive, Nick." And I say, "well, it is to me." They're cute and fuzzy, right? Well, addy wants to borrow it. Not at all. You can have it. It's yours. Are you sure you didn't need to stay at the premiere? Hundred percent. Yeah? Who chose Demi Moore to play mom? Studio. But it doesn't really do your mother justice, does it? Oh, come on. She's gorgeous. So are you, Olivia. Ew, dad, stop hitting on mom. I'm not hitting on her. Oh, gross. I don't wanna listen to this anymore. You know what? What do you say we watch a movie? Yeah, whatever you want, dad. No, really. You choose.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent