Hello? It's Judy Brown from The Portobello Express. Come in. So what's this for, darlings? - School newspaper? - Yes. We thought the agent of the Phoenix Buchanan would be really interesting. And you'd be right. But I've got two minutes, so we better make it snappy. And I've only given you that because you've brought breakfast. Nice buns, by the way.
Paddington 2
Before you know it, you won't have a home to go back to.
Paddington 2
He's right. Well, I believe you, Mary. Actors are some of the most evil, devious people on the planet. - Are they? - They lie for a living. Crikey. - If we're gonna catch one... - Yes? ...we're gonna need a foolproof plan.
Paddington 2
Paddington 2
Quite frankly, ravishing!
Paddington 2
- Paddington? - Oh.
Paddington 2
Open the window.
Paddington 2
Why would Phoenix want to steal a pop-up book? He's a millionaire! That's where you're wrong. He owes money all over town. Look. So he's got a few bills. I mean, everyone... Good grief, the man spends a lot on face cream. He hasn't got a penny to his name. Now come on. Let's find that book and get out of here.
Paddington 2
Sorry. We? Well, well, I mean, I, I never...
Paddington 2
A secret room. - It's an attic. - A secret attic. It's an ordinary attic. Every house in the street has one. I mean, look, it's just a perfectly normal... Oh, my God, he's a weirdo. Look, Henry. The nun. The thief. The king.
Paddington 2
And even the Browns have forgotten me.
Paddington 2
- Aunt Lucy! - Paddington.
Paddington 2
There she is, boys. Our ticket out of here.
Paddington 2
...and a disgrace to the noble profession of acting. I sentence you to ten years and I suggest that you use your time behind bars wisely.