Yes, I'm having one cigarette. You want me to lie? One cigarette after seven months is not... That's exactly what I'm saying.
The Devil's Advocate
How do you know...?
The Devil's Advocate
The Devil's Advocate
Ho! Ha!
The Devil's Advocate
You think you're tough enough to run this firm? Ha! Remember the Weaver Commission investigation? Tell your mentor... the next time Weaver calls me, maybe I'll just... pick up the phone.
The Devil's Advocate
" convict him of murder?"
The Devil's Advocate
Oh, you got it now?
The Devil's Advocate
Winning those cases, taking the money. We knew they were guilty. But you just kept on winning... every time.
The Devil's Advocate
Don't do this, Kevin. Please take me home. Please don't do this.
The Devil's Advocate
I can't look at myself in the mirror.
The Devil's Advocate
I see a monster.
The Devil's Advocate
Mrs. Skylar.
The Devil's Advocate
I'm not crazy.
The Devil's Advocate
Maybe it was your time to lose. You didn't think so. Lose? I don't lose! I win! I'm a lawyer! That's my job. That's what I do. I rest my case. Vanity... is definitely my favorite sin. Kevin, it's so basic. Self-love. The all-natural opiate.
The Devil's Advocate
Taste, but don't swallow. And while you're jumping from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughing his sick fucking ass off! He's a tightass! He's a sadist! He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? Never! Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, is that it? Why not? I'm here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. I've nurtured every sensation man has been inspired to have. I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Why? Because I never rejected him, in spite of all his imperfections. I'm a fan of man! I'm a humanist. Maybe the last humanist.
The Devil's Advocate
Don't let him scare you, eh? Kevin, I've had so many children. I've had so many disappointments. Mistake after mistake. And then there's you. The two of you.
The Devil's Advocate
What are you? Oh. I have so many names. Satan. Call me Dad.
The Devil's Advocate
Who are you carrying all those bricks for anyway? God? Is that it? God? I'll tell you... let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man... instincts.