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ZAZU: Step lively. The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave. So, where are we really going? An elephant graveyard. Wow! Shh! Zazu. Right. So, how are we gonna ditch the dodo?

The Lion King

MUFASA: Remember Se-fi-Ie Baba ti-tabo Maye babo busa ilomhlaba Ubuse ngo xolo Ubuse ngo thando Ubuse ngo xolo Ubuse ngo thando Ubuse ngo xolo Ingonyama inengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala ♪ Till we find our place ♪ ♪ On the path unwinding ♪ ♪ In the circle ♪ ♪ The circle of life ♪ ♪ Circle of ♪ ♪ Life ♪ ♪ There's a calm surrender ♪ ♪ To the rush of day ♪ ♪ When the heat of a rolling wind ♪ ♪ Can be turned away ♪ ♪ An enchanted moment ♪ ♪ And it sees me through ♪ ♪ It's enough for this restless warrior ♪ ♪ Just to be with you ♪ ♪ And can you feel the love tonight? ♪ ♪ It is where we are ♪ ♪ It's enough ♪ ♪ For this wide-eyed wanderer ♪ ♪ That we got this far ♪ ♪ And can you feel the love tonight? ♪ ♪ How it's laid to rest? ♪ ♪ It's enough ♪ ♪ To make kings and vagabonds ♪ ♪ Believe the very best ♪ ♪ There's a time for everyone ♪ ♪ If they only learn ♪ ♪ That the twisting kaleidoscope ♪ ♪ Moves us all in turn ♪ ♪ There's a rhyme and reason ♪ ♪ To the wild outdoors ♪ ♪ When the heart of this star-crossed voyager ♪ ♪ Beats in time with yours ♪ ♪ And can you feel the love tonight? ♪ ♪ It is where we are ♪ ♪ It's enough ♪ ♪ For this wide-eyed wanderer ♪ ♪ That we got this far ♪ ♪ And can you feel the love tonight? ♪ ♪ How it's laid to rest? ♪ ♪ It's enough ♪ ♪ To make kings and vagabonds ♪ ♪ Believe the very best ♪ ♪ It's enough ♪ ♪ To make kings and vagabonds ♪ ♪ Believe the very best ♪

The Lion King

Yes, Scar? Where is your hunting party? They're not doing their job. Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on. No, you're just not looking hard enough. It's over. There is nothing left. We have only one choice. We must leave Pride Rock. We're not going anywhere. You have sentenced us to death. -Then so be it. -You can't do that. I am the king. I can do whatever I want. If you were half the king Mufasa was... I'm ten times the king Mufasa was!

The Lion King

Simba, you have forgotten me. No. How could I? You have forgotten who you are, and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life. How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be. Remember who you are. You are my son and the one true king.

The Lion King

♪ Asante sana, squash banana ♪ ♪ We we nugu, imi mi apana ♪ ♪ Asante sana, squash banana ♪ ♪ We we nugu, imi mi apana ♪ ♪ Asante sana, squash banana ♪ ♪ We we nugu, imi mi apana ♪ ♪ Asante sana, squash banana We we nugu, imi mi apana ♪

The Lion King

Yes, sire, you are the king. I... I only mentioned it to illustrate the differences in your royal managerial approaches. BANZAI: Hey, boss. Oh, what is it this time? We got a bone to pick with you. I'll handle this. Scar, there's no food, no water. Yeah. It's dinner time and we ain't got no stinking entrées. It's the lionesses' job to do the hunting. Yeah, but they won't go hunt. Oh... Eat Zazu. Oh, you wouldn't want me. I'd be so tough and gamey and... Oh, Zazu, don't be ridiculous. All you need is a little garlic. I thought things were bad under Mufasa. -What did you say? -I said Muf... I said qué pasa? Good. Now get out.

The Lion King

♪ l know that your powers of retention ♪ ♪ Are as wet as a warthog's backside ♪ ♪ But thick as you are ♪ ♪ Pay attention ♪ ♪ My words are a matter of pride ♪ ♪ It's clear from your vacant expressions ♪ ♪ The lights are not all on upstairs ♪ ♪ But we're talking kings and successions ♪ ♪ Even you can't be caught unawares ♪ ♪ So prepare for the chance of a lifetime ♪ ♪ Be prepared for sensational news ♪ ♪ A shiny new era is tiptoeing nearer ♪ ♪ And where do we feature? ♪ ♪ Just listen to teacher ♪ ♪ I know it sounds sordid ♪ ♪ But you'll be rewarded ♪ ♪ When at last I am given my dues ♪ ♪ And injustice deliciously squared ♪ ♪ Be prepared ♪ Yeah, be prepared. We'll be prepared. For what? For the death of the king. -Why, is he sick? -No, fool, we're going to kill him. And Simba, too. Great idea. Who needs a king? ♪ No king, no king, la-la la-la la la ♪ Idiots! There will be a king! - Hey, but you said... - I will be king! Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again. -Yeah! All right! -Long live the king! Long live the king! Long live the king!

The Lion King

Lady, have you got your lions crossed! King? Your Majesty, I gravel at your feet. Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Stop it. It's not gravel, it's grovel. And don't! He's not the king. Are you? -No. -Simba! No, I'm not the king. Maybe I was gonna be, but that was a long time ago. Let me get this straight. You're the king? And you never told us? -Look, I'm still the same guy. -But with power. Could you guys excuse us for a few minutes?

The Lion King

-Wow! -Where did you come from? This is gr... It's great to see you! Hey, what's goin' on here? What are you doing here? What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Hey! What's goin' on here? Timon, this is Nala. She's my best friend. - Friend? - Yeah. Hey, Pumbaa, come over here. Huh? Nala, this is Pumbaa. Pumbaa, Nala. -Pleased to make your acquaintance. -The pleasure is all mine. How do you... Whoa, whoa! Time out! Let me get this straight.

The Lion King

♪ Hakuna matata. ♪ ♪ What a wonderful phrase ♪ ♪ Hakuna matata ♪ ♪ Ain't no passing craze ♪ ♪ It means no worries ♪ ♪ For the rest of your days ♪ ♪ It's our problem-free philosophy ♪ ♪ Hakuna matata ♪ Hakuna matata? Yeah. It's our motto. What's a motto? Nothin'. What's-a-motto with you?

The Lion King

Well, what about you? You left.

The Lion King

But I don't understand something. You've been alive all this time. Why didn't you come back to Pride Rock? Well, I just needed to get out on my own, live my own life. And I did, and it's great.

The Lion King

Pumbaa, with you, everything's gas. Simba, what do you think?

The Lion King

No. Let me explain. No, you don't understand! No, I didn't mean... No! No!

The Lion King

Oh, look, Zazu. You've made me lose my lunch. You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia.

The Lion King

Don't turn your back on me, Scar. Oh, no, Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.

The Lion King

You know her, she knows you. But she wants to eat him, and everybody's okay with this? -Did I miss something? -Relax, Timon. Wait till everyone finds out you've been here all this time.

The Lion King

Don't worry, buddy. I'm here for you. Everything's going to be okay. Get her! Bite her head! Go for the jugular! The jugular! See, I told you he'd come in handy.

The Lion King