Jeez, it's a lion! Run, Pumbaa, move it! Hey, Timon, it's just a little lion. Look at him. He's so cute and all alone.
The Lion King
For me, it is a deep, personal loss. So it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne. Yet out of the ashes of this tragedy we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era in which lion and hyena come together in a great and glorious future.
The Lion King
But we got to finish the job. Well, he's as good as dead out there anyway. And if he comes back, we'll kill him. Yeah! You hear that? If you ever come back, we'll kill you!
The Lion King
So go get him. There ain't no way I'm going in there. What, you want me to come out looking like you, cactus butt?
The Lion King
And if it weren't for you, he'd still be alive.
The Lion King
Hey, there he goes. There he goes.
The Lion King
The Lion King
The Lion King
Welcome to our humble home. You live here? We live wherever we want. Yep. Home is where your rump rests. It's beautiful.
The Lion King
Hey, where you going? Nowhere. Gee, he looks blue. I'd say brownish gold. No, no, no. I mean he's depressed.
The Lion King
Eugh, what's that? A grub. What's it look like? Eugh! Gross. Mmm. Tastes like chicken.
The Lion King
Slimy yet satisfying. These are rare delicacies. Mmm.