I got your back. Oh, my God. You're sick, I gotta protect you. Just leave me alone, kid. [MAN WHISTLING]
Deadpool 2
Here we go.
Deadpool 2
Once again, it all falls on my shoulders. It's why I'm cursed to be a solo act. Wander the Earth... I'm in. I'm sorry, what did you say? I'm in. How in the fuck are you in already?
Deadpool 2
[BLACK TOM GROANS] [DEADPOOL GASPS] You killed Black Tom, you racist son of a bitch!
Deadpool 2
Hey! It's me! Don't scratch! Just cleaning up the timelines! Look, eventually you're going to hang up the claws... and it's gonna make a lot of people very sad. Huh? But one day, your old pal Wade's gonna ask you... to get back in the saddle again. And when he does, say yes.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
DOMINO: Okay, I'm over the convoy. Where did the rest of the team land? Good news and bad news. Bad news is the whole team is dead. The good news is, I don't think anyone's gonna miss Shatterstar. He was a bit of a prick. Oh, but Paul! DOMINO: Peter! Peter, I'm gonna miss him most. But there is a slight chance Vanisher could make it. [PEOPLE EXCLAIMING] Nope, no chance. He's dead. DOMINO: The whole team? Only the main ones. We're still good. Fuck, you are dumb. Whoever planned this stunt's been smoking a lot jazz cabbage. I'll tell you that much. That's pretty obvious! Looking good, Vanisher.
Deadpool 2
[GROANS] WADE: Is that a fanny pack? I used to have one of those in 1990-never.
Deadpool 2
Don't worry.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
♪ Papa... ♪ ♪ Can you hear me? ♪ ♪ Papa, can you see me? ♪ Does this song sound familiar to you?
Deadpool 2
PILOT: [ON PA] A little turbulent up here.
Deadpool 2
[WADE SIGHS] I guess family really is an F-word.
Deadpool 2
AUTOMATED VOICE: [ON PA] System malfunctioning. Cells 7, 12, 14, 27. Back in your cells, you filthy mutants! Get in there! AUTOMATED VOICE: Cells 1, 3, 7, 8.