Of course he does. He cares about all of you! He was putting you in the attic. I saw. You can't just turn your back on him now! Woody, wake up! It's over! Andy is all grown up! Okay, fine. Perfect. I can't believe how selfish you all are. So this is it? After all we've been through. Bullseye, no. You need to stay. Bullseye, no, I said, "Stay!" Look, I don't want you left alone in the attic, okay? Now, stay. Bonnie? I gotta go. Bonnie, you in here?
Toy Story 3
'Here's a snake in my boot. I'd like to join your posse, boys, but first I'm gonna sing a little song. A sheriff! Move over, Mr. Pricklepants. We have a guest. You want some coffee? It's good for you. But don't drink too much, or you'll have to... Be right back! Hey, hello? Hi. Excuse me. Can you tell me where I am? The guy's just asking a question. Well, excuse me. I 'm trying to stay in character.
Toy Story 3
Just kidding. Door's right over there. Well, cowboy, you just jumped right in, didn't ya? I 'm Dolly. - Woody. - Woody? Really? You're gonna stick with that? 'Cause now's your chance to change it, new room and all. That's coming from a doll named Dolly.
Toy Story 3
My name's Buttercup. You've met Baron von Shush. Hello, I 'm Trixie.
Toy Story 3
She'll never find us in here.
Toy Story 3
Three, two, one, blastoff!
Toy Story 3
All right, place your bets. Come on, everybody. - Come on. Any splits? - Heya. Bring it here. - All right. - Here we go. - Come on, horsey, come on! - Come on, turkey, come on, turkey. - Gobble, gobble, baby. - Come on, horsey. Come on, duck. - All right, that's it. No more bets. - Come on! Right here. Let me have the duck, let me have the duck, let me have the duck! Here is a duck. - I won! - Ah, man!
Toy Story 3
The scary witch! Look out! She's using her witch-y powers!
Toy Story 3
It has a secret ingredient. Jelly beans.
Toy Story 3
You saved us, cowboy. You're our hero.
Toy Story 3
I got a kink in my slink.
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 3
- Coyote's wild. - Here, here. - Two greens here. - Changing two double A's. Hey, what do you guys think of the new recruits? Any keepers? Oh, please! Landfill! - Cowgirl? Dinosaur? - Toddler fodder. But that space guy, he could be useful. He ain't the sharpest knife in the place where they keep the knives. Neither are you, Chunk.