So if you haven't ordered your hoIiday gifts early, you may not be abIe to order them at aII. l quit, by the way! You quit what? What, Savannah? What'd you quit? Just a couple of normal girls here. Move it, move it! Clear! The lnternet's down.
Office Christmas Party
-Hi. -Hey, there, Susan.
Office Christmas Party
-Hey, Josh. -Hey, Dean. You... You thought you'd bring the kid?
Office Christmas Party
Derek Peterson shattered his femur for a rotisserie set. And that was before Boston Chicken was, like, a thing. -l've heard those stories. -He took care of them. That's what l want for my people. You know?
Office Christmas Party
Point being, you have to adjust your numbers to account for real world conditions.
Office Christmas Party
No, 95. -lt's simple math. -Well, okay. lt might be simple on paper, but you're forgetting the wind, the weight of the Kia, the four of us, bird cages... l prefer to call them bird condos, and so do the birds.
Office Christmas Party
You know, you trying to jump that bridge was really... Brave? That what you were going for?
Office Christmas Party
Oh, my...
Office Christmas Party
Hey, look at that!
Office Christmas Party
Somebody is getting fired.
Office Christmas Party
And, you know, we can skip this, too.
Office Christmas Party
Careful, careful, careful!
Office Christmas Party
Fuck. l love America! l am not gonna die in a minivan.
Office Christmas Party
We need something else, something that will make us look cool. Does anybody know anybody who knows the Kanye West? -No. -No. But my girlfriend does PR for the Bulls. Okay, does your girlfriend have a friend who knows the man that makes us call him Yeezy? Nate, what's up, man? Did you see? Significant others are welcome at the party. Look at that. Looks like we're finally gonna meet Becca. Yeah!
Office Christmas Party
-What... What's happening? -Did you guys find Clay?