Oh, my God. ls this UndercoverBoss? ls that a camera?
Office Christmas Party
You never got to be the fun one, huh? -l mean, l could have. Right? -Yeah. -Sure. -l have... l have a fun side. l've seen it many a time. l mean... Off the top of my head, l... Remember that Thanksgiving that you taught everybody the real rules of Monopoly?
Office Christmas Party
Let's go!
Office Christmas Party
She's what makes this company great, just like every motherfucker in here!
Office Christmas Party
Josh, l'm sorry that l said you were safe.
Office Christmas Party
They'd never make it, right? lt's suicide. Unless you were going 1 20, you put a bunch of free weights -in the trunk to even it out, you know... -Okay. Then you just catch air. "Fuck you, gravity, and you, Dom Toretto!" -Yeah. -Then...
Office Christmas Party
Like an unmanned fire hose.
Office Christmas Party
Hey, Walter! -Welcome to Zenotek. -How are you? l'm so glad you came. Good to see you. Can l take your coat? -No, no, l'm good, actually. -You sure? Okay. All right. Walt, what would you like to get started with? You know, we got a photo booth. lt's like getting your picture taken in a tiny house. We love it.
Office Christmas Party
Careful, careful, careful!
Office Christmas Party
You'd been separated for a year. -l fucked up. -Yeah.
Office Christmas Party
Hey, there's actually some guys l want you to meet. Okay, great. Let's just work out the money thing first, though, yeah? l already gave Trina $200. Yeah, that's just for the first hour. lf you want me for the rest of the night, it's gonna be another $2,000. -Two grand? No. No way. -Yeah. The website clearly said it was $200 for the whole night. Do l look like l'm $200 a night?
Office Christmas Party
This party has to rock.
Office Christmas Party
Great. Bring him. -See, we already got a DJ. -Yep.
Office Christmas Party
So if you're thinking of fucking with me, or with my girl, don't.
Office Christmas Party
I Iove this party!
Office Christmas Party
That's how you park a minivan. very impressive. Okay, hey, Nate, are you sure about this address here? Yes. 92765 Union Street. That's where the pin is. Red Square Club.