You know, the kinda thing I'm into is a good plan. A smart plan, the opposite of this. Relax. I have good news. If I'm reading this map right… We're here. -We're where? -We've arrived. X marks the spot. X… What spot? X marks the spot. We're here. Here it is. Great job! -Please don't yell at me. -You found it! Booth found it. There's no bunker. There's shit here. -I'm just telling you what the map says. -There's no bunker. Tell me, what does the map say?
Red Notice
We'll take those. Thank you very much.
Red Notice
Oh, my God! You're like a well-dressed wall. What are you doing? Trying to ruin the mission. Well, mission accomplished. Find the print. God damn it!
Red Notice
[Hartley] How are we gonna find this egg? [Booth] I don't know.
Red Notice
Look, it's not that I don't care about you. It's that I don't care about anyone.
Red Notice
How's that work exactly? I don't have to win in order for you to lose. That's the best part of this whole thing. As long as I have the third egg, you can't win.
Red Notice
-I lied. -What do you mean, "you lied"? I lied about everything. All of it. That whole thing. I lied to you, I lied to her, I lied to Baby Jesus.
Red Notice
-[in Russian] They're over here! -[in English] Go!
Red Notice
[woman panting]
Red Notice
-Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! -Shit!
Red Notice
Long con. You know, lady, I'm really starting to not like you.
Red Notice
-I'm sorry, man. -Oh… Oh, come on! -You're under arrest. -You're gonna listen? After all we've been through together… [whispers] You love me? [whispers] I hate you.
Red Notice
[Booth] Bishop must have seen you coming from a mile away. Got your trust after selling me out. Can't run a con without gaining the mark's trust first, that's page one.
Red Notice
Red Notice
This is fun, isn't it? Riding the rails hobo-style. You ever see, um, uh, Sullivan's Travels?
Red Notice
He's a big fan. [man choking] [Booth] Sotto Voce is super scary. But he's not above having a good time.