16,242. What did he do now? Alex Cullen has just been charged with murdering his wife... her stepson... and a maid. When did this happen? Just now. Tonight. I've sent Pam downtown to make bail arrangements. They're gonna fucking crucify him. They're gonna line up. I gotta call Meisel. No, no, no. I want Kevin on this case. I hope you're kidding. Alexander Cullen in a Manhattan triple murder with, excuse me, Kevin? Ha! You're dreaming.
The Devil's Advocate
But I'm no puppeteer, Kevin. I don't make things happen. Doesn't work like that. What'd you do to Mary Ann? Free will. It's like butterfly wings. Once touched, they never get off the ground. No. I only set the stage. You pull your own strings. What did you do to Mary Ann? A gun? In here? Goddamn it, what did you do to my wife? Well... on a scale of one to 10... 10 being the most depraved act of sexual theater known to man... one being your average Friday night run-through at the Lomaxs'... I'd say, not to be immodest... Mary Ann and I got it on at about seven. Fuck you! Oh. Oh. Oh. Got me! Got me! Yes! Oh, yeah! Yeah! Step it up, son! Come on! That's good! You got to hold on to that fury. That's the last thing to go. That's the final hiding place. It's the final fig leaf.
The Devil's Advocate
You really believe that?
The Devil's Advocate
Go on, Barbara. We go back to our homeroom for dismissal. Unless you have a pass for sports or something. Is that what you did on the day in question? No. Mr. Gettys asked me to stay after class. What happened next, Barbara? He told me to sit in the chair beside his desk. Barbara. If you will, in your own words, tell us exactly what happened... in the next few minutes.
The Devil's Advocate
I know what you did. You set me up. Who told you to pull out all the stops on Gettys? - Who made that choice? - It's entrapment. You set me up. And Moyez. The direction you took. Popes, swamis, snake handlers, all feeding at the same trough. - Whose ideas were those? - You played me! It was a test! Your test! And Cullen. Knowing he was guilty. Seeing those pictures. What did you do? You put that lying bitch on the stand. You brought me in. You put me there. You made her lie. I don't do that, Kevin! That day on the subway, what did I say to you? What were my words to you?
The Devil's Advocate
Is this game sexual in nature? We only played it once. This special party, Barbara... this was the first time you told the story about Mr. Gettys, wasn't it? Yes. I've spoken to other children who were there that day. Is there anything else they may have told me about the party? Objection. If he has other witnesses, let him call them. If I need to call those other children, I will. I'm going to sustain that, Mr. Lomax. Rephrase your question.
The Devil's Advocate
What do you think? Some people can't handle it. It's peaceful. My sentiments exactly. Ha, ha. So fill in the résumé for me. Tell me... your father, what does he do? I never got to know my father. He passed away before I was born. My mother raised me. Just the two of us. - She never remarried? - She wasn't married the first time. That can't be easy in a town like Gainesville, can it? I don't think it's easy anywhere.
The Devil's Advocate
You're right. I did it all. I let her go. Aw, don't be too hard on yourself, Kevin. You wanted something more. Believe me. I... I left her behind and just kept going. You cannot keep punishing yourself, Kevin. It's awesome how far you've come. I didn't make it easy. Couldn't. Not for you... or your sister. Half-sister, to be exact.
The Devil's Advocate
- Pour me another. - Hey, baby. Lomax, you're wild. I feel one of them nights coming on.
The Devil's Advocate
I told him I was afraid I'd miss my bus. He promised I'd get to the bus on time if I'd help him do something. Then, before I could say anything, he placed his hand inside my blouse.
The Devil's Advocate
Feel real? Yes, absolutely real.
The Devil's Advocate
I call Melissa Black.
The Devil's Advocate
I'm ready to work.
The Devil's Advocate
Bailiff, evict that man. No further questions, Your Honor. I'm going to adjourn for the day. We'll be back here at 9:00 in the morning and people will behave themselves... You made me proud. Or find themselves in contempt. Good evening.
The Devil's Advocate
I'll never forgive myself.
The Devil's Advocate
How you doing, sweetie?
The Devil's Advocate
- You must be Mary Ann. - Yes, I am. Welcome. I'm Jackie Heath.