That last night he came to say goodbye... and I started crying. And he told me: Behold, I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves.
The Devil's Advocate
This is... I believe you met Christabella. Yes, I think we did. And Gizelle. Fresh in from Paris. Great.
The Devil's Advocate
There you are.
The Devil's Advocate
What's that like? One day you put them away, the next you set them free.
The Devil's Advocate
- Alessandra. - Alex. Not now. Mrs. Skylar, please. Time's up, Mr. Cullen.
The Devil's Advocate
He talked to me.
The Devil's Advocate
We'll talk later, okay?
The Devil's Advocate
I see the future... of this law firm.
The Devil's Advocate
The two of you... all of us, acquittal after acquittal after acquittal... until the stench of it reaches so high and far into Heaven... it chokes the whole fucking lot of them.
The Devil's Advocate
And say what? He's the senior partner at the...
The Devil's Advocate
I want you to take over the firm. You... and your sister.
The Devil's Advocate
I thought I was the only one working late.
The Devil's Advocate
Come on. Come on. - Help her. - Out of the way. Get Dr. Job, please! I'm losing her!
The Devil's Advocate
Knew the Bible, every word. Just knew it by heart.
The Devil's Advocate
Today he was in court. He was in court in my presence all afternoon! - No! - Yes! Yes! Yes!
The Devil's Advocate
Besides... we'll write our own book. Chapter one.
The Devil's Advocate
Look, kid, maybe down in Florida you are the next big thing. This is New York. We're not squeezing oranges here. He polishes those shoes every night. He makes his own clothes. He looks like a brother with an attitude, but I see a man with a gun under his bed. And woe betide the creature who steps into his garden. Number 6... your favorite... she's damaged goods. She's a Catholic schoolteacher, hmm? Believes in human frailty... No. Something's missing from her. She's wrong. She wants on this jury. Somebody hurt her and she wants revenge.