It's nice of you to come by. Oh, please. We live across the hall. - You're kidding. - Right there. It's just two apartments per floor? - You didn't tell them about it? - It can speak for itself.
The Devil's Advocate
Does my babysitter have to testify? We need her to establish the time you returned home. She doesn't have a green card, is why I ask. I would hate for her to get in trouble. Tell you what, Melissa. Let's talk to her first. See where she stands and take it from there. I'll make sure Melissa gets down to the car. - Thanks, Pam. - Mr. Cullen didn't kill those people. I know him. He's a difficult man, but he couldn't kill anyone. That's why we're all working so hard.
The Devil's Advocate
This prosecutor is no fool.
The Devil's Advocate
The Devil's Advocate
- Is that it? - No.
The Devil's Advocate
They look real.
The Devil's Advocate
We've gotta talk about this. Aw, listen to yourself, Kevin. "We've gotta talk about this." It's your wife, man. She's sick, she needs you. She's got to come first.
The Devil's Advocate
Listen to me like you've never listened to anyone before in your life. I'm gonna bust my ass to make sure they hate you. Because as long as you're boning Melissa, you're not home killing your wife.
The Devil's Advocate
Mr. Lomax? No comment. I'll have something for you later. I'm a friend of Eddie Barzoon. You don't know me, but Eddie mentioned your name. Mitch Weaver, Justice Department? Staking out the funeral? Looking for you, actually.
The Devil's Advocate
If it's a choice, I'll go now.
The Devil's Advocate
I'm sorry, Barbara, I was wrong. It's huge hog beast.
The Devil's Advocate
I can't do that.
The Devil's Advocate
Ma. Listen to me. I love my wife.
The Devil's Advocate
Too institutional.
The Devil's Advocate
You need to do a better job with Mary Ann. She is not well. - This place is not good for her. - So stay. Take care of her, if you're so concerned.
The Devil's Advocate
Look, Jeannie, I gotta make a plane. Just get yourself on schedule.