You were right about one thing. I have been watching. Couldn't help myself. Watching. Waiting. Holding my breath.
The Devil's Advocate
Blood money.
The Devil's Advocate
Take a big whiff.
The Devil's Advocate
I get one supervised hour a week with my stepdaughter. I am in there with two shrinks and three social workers. You better have a good reason for calling me out. Your wife, the day she was killed, had lunch with a friend. She says, and I quote: "Alex is fucking around and I can prove it." That's hearsay. That never gets in. Wrong answer.
The Devil's Advocate
I'm so ashamed.
The Devil's Advocate
My father?
The Devil's Advocate
The Devil's Advocate
I dreamt about this.
The Devil's Advocate
And when all that evidence is laid before you... when all these pieces weave together, you will conclude... you will know... that Alexander Cullen is guilty... of murdering three people... in cold blood... and with malice aforethought.
The Devil's Advocate
Caribbean green.
The Devil's Advocate
I tell you, man... you're pretty damn good.
The Devil's Advocate
Then, with his hand... he started moving back and forth... farther and farther inside my skirt. He said he was testing to see if I had any special feelings... that he wanted to see what kind of feelings I had. I was trying to think of something to say, but I couldn't. I was confused, and he just kept on. I asked him to stop, but it was like he couldn't hear. He just kept on with his hand. Then I screamed. Then he got mad and said we'd have to try it again sometime.
The Devil's Advocate
He set me up. Cullen fucking set me up. Melissa, the whole thing. I know it.
The Devil's Advocate
"You know what scares me, John? I leave the case, she gets better and then I hate her for it."
The Devil's Advocate
Think of it as spiritual currency.
The Devil's Advocate
What thing is that?
The Devil's Advocate
Fuck! I knew the DA was holding out on us. Get the discovery package over here, right now.