Merry Christmas! Lori, Merry Christmas, honey. - Merry Christmas, Ruth. - Merry Christmas, Jesus. Uh, it's, it's Jessie. Wow, you have really broad shoulders. Amy, feel his shoulders. Oh, here we go. Okay, mother. Thank you. Get in. Oh, thanks for almost learning his name. I love you, girl.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Oh, wow. - You need to talk to your mom. - I know. She needs some boundaries. - Or at least, a boundary. - I know. I just, uh... I don't wanna hurt her feelings. And, you know, ever since my dad died I'm, like, pretty much her only family. So I'm worried that if I push her away even a little that it's gonna break her heart. She saw my boner, Kiki.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Okay. Oh, I didn't know Rite Aid made Christmas decorations. So I have the whole week planned out. On Thursday, we'll see "The Nutcracker." And then, of course, on Friday, we'll all go caroling. Unfortunately, Mike was our baritone and you're divorcing him. So we're gonna have to fill that hole if we're gonna win the Caroling Cup this year. Oh, God, the Caroling Cup? Darling, when I lived here we won the Caroling Cup nine times. It's too bad you've given up on our family's tradition of winning. Yeah, I guess I've just been a little busy, so... Well, clearly not at the gym. Whoop. I want to celebrate my triumphant return to Chicago. I wanna throw an enormous Christmas party at your house. So I was thinking Christmas Eve, if that's convenient. What? No. That's not convenient. I mean, we can invite all of my old friends and we can have a sushi station and we can hire Kenny G to play Christmas music. I hear he's not even that expensive anymore. Yeah, okay, that-that sounds like a lot of work. Yeah. It's too bad, I've already invited everyone. - Where, to my house? - Yes. A 184 people are coming. What? Why haven't I gotten a Christmas card from you yet? I don't know, mom. I-I-I guess it just fell through the cracks. What is happening with you? Nothing. Nothing's happening to me. Amy, this is Christmas. It's the big show. - I know. - You can't dick around. - I'm not dicking around. - I feel you're dicking around. Mom, I'm honestly not dicking around. Yes, you are dicking around. I can tell when you're dicking around. I'm not dicking around. - Dick, dick around. - Okay. Okay. I'm not dicking around. Alright, enough with the bad language. Okay. - I like your hair. - Really? Yeah, it looks like you're not trying so hard. Yeah. Love you.
A Bad Moms Christmas
♪ Eleven pipers piping ♪ ♪ Ten lords a-leaping nine ladies dancing ♪ ♪ Eight maids a-milking seven swans a-swimming ♪ ♪ Six geese a-laying ♪ ♪ Five golden rings ♪ ♪ Five golden rings ♪♪ How much did this cost? How can you put a price tag on a child's happiness, Amy? - It was very expensive. - God! Mom! Wait for it, this is the big ending!
A Bad Moms Christmas
Yeah. Okay. You know, uh... I've been doing a lot of thinking about the money you asked me for, mom, and... Um, I'm such an idiot. But it's Christmas and you're my mom and...
A Bad Moms Christmas
Th... They say they're heart-smart. You really care about your kid, don't you? Yeah, he's my... I mean, most... people care about their children, mom. Whatever, I just can't keep up with the latest parenting trends.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Oh, my God.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Oh, my fucking God!
A Bad Moms Christmas
A Bad Moms Christmas
Oh, no.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Yo! I need you to leave my house. What are you talking about? Get the fuck out, Kenny G. - I'm still getting paid, right? - I don't know! Take your little flute and shoo! Shoo, fly. - Go make another album. - It's not a flute, bitch. Don't care. Thank you so much. Thank you. You can go now. Please. You can leave. Thank you so much for coming. Thank you very much. You too, my friend. Please. No, no. Please exit. I don't know any of you. Please leave my house. Farewell, see you later. Sushi chef, you gotta go. We're done. You can take that plate. Amy, stop! You're embarrassing the family.
A Bad Moms Christmas
- Do it. - Mm.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Well, what am I supposed to do with myself? I don't know, mom! Anything! Make some friends! You're always saying you wanna go to Vegas to see Wayne Newton before he dies. Do that! Anything! As long as it's without me!
A Bad Moms Christmas
Honey... Nice goin'.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Yes! - That was a good haul, mom. - Yeah, she had some good shit. You know... ripping off rich people in front of the supermarket with you is... bringing back a lotta happy Christmas memories for me. Yeah. Me too, babe. I miss you, you know? I miss you, too. It's so weird. Yeah. Maybe we should... spend more time together?
A Bad Moms Christmas
- Hey. - Hey. Well, I heard what happened. Hmm.
A Bad Moms Christmas
It's all I've ever wanted. Well, I'll stay as long as you want me to.