You've got a great home here, for the rest of your life. Nobody gets near you, you're not going anywhere. That's great. Beautiful. Some deal I made. You'll live like a king. You'll be a hero. You'll live better here than most people outside. Some deal!
The Godfather Part II
I chaIIenge this committee to produce any witness or evidence against me and if they do not, I hope they wiII have the decency to cIear my name with the same pubIicity with which they have besmirched it.
The Godfather Part II
We have time. I was kept pretty much in the dark.
The Godfather Part II
I haven't got a lot to say, Mike.
The Godfather Part II
Alive. Pentangeli is alive.
The Godfather Part II
I don't want you going! Not you, not the kids. No.
The Godfather Part II
You're my wife and my children. I love you and won't allow it.
The Godfather Part II
He's on a plane, back to Sicily.
The Godfather Part II
Don't you know me? Don't you know that that's an impossibility? That I'd use all my power to keep that from happening?
The Godfather Part II
Michael, I'm not going back to Nevada. I brought the children to say goodbye to you.
The Godfather Part II
I'm very happy for you. I always knew you were too smart to let any of them beat you.
The Godfather Part II
It was between the brothers, Kay. I had nothing to do with it.
The Godfather Part II
I never thought that would ever happen, but it has.
The Godfather Part II
At this moment I feel no love for you at all.
The Godfather Part II
Don't touch the antipasto until Pop sees it. He's not ugly...
The Godfather Part II
Sit down. Talk to each other. Hey, Mr. Einstein...
The Godfather Part II
-The cake. -Sally, get in here! -I was scared. -Come on.