A most distinguished guest would like to say a few words. Please welcome Senator Pat Geary of the State of Nevada. And there is Mrs. Geary.
The Godfather Part II
The plaque. Okay, fellows, did you get that one?
The Godfather Part II
Thank you very much. This is a very, very happy day for me and my wife Mrs. Geary.
The Godfather Part II
I thought that you and I would talk alone.
The Godfather Part II
-If you need anything, I'll be outside. -Just tell Rocco we're waiting, Tom.
The Godfather Part II
You! Up, up, up!
The Godfather Part II
It's very kind of him. Tell him it's greatly appreciated.
The Godfather Part II
Can I do anything or send anything? He appreciates your concern, Michael, and your respect.
The Godfather Part II
What the hell have we here?
The Godfather Part II
We're going to Europe. I'd like to book passage on The Queen. Why don't you go to a travel agent? We're getting married first.
The Godfather Part II
-I just left Mr. Roth in Miami. -How is his health? It's not good.
The Godfather Part II
The real owners are the old Lakeville Road group and our friend in Miami.
The Godfather Part II
The ink on your divorce isn't dry yet, and you're getting married?
The Godfather Part II
Clemenza promised the Rosato brothers three territories after he died. You took over and didn't give it to them. I welched. Clemenza promised them lu cazzo. He promised them nothing.
The Godfather Part II
Your oldest boy was picked up in Reno for a theft you don't even know about. You fly around the world with men who use you! -You're not my father! -So why come to me? I need money.
The Godfather Part II
I don't know this Merle. I don't know what he does or what he lives on.