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Now, look, you know, she comes home from work in about an hour and a half. The graveyard shift at the hospital. You gotta make some phone calls? You gotta call some people? Well, then, do it, and then get the fuck out of my house before she gets here. That's Kool and the Gang. We don't wanna fuck your shit up. All I wanna do is call my people and get 'em to bring us in. You're fucking my shit up right now! You're gonna fuck my shit up big time if Bonnie comes home. Do me that favor, all right? The phone is in my bedroom. I suggest you get going. Well, say she comes home. What do you think she'll do?

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[ Sighs ] If you had a pot belly, I would punch you in it. - You'd punch me in the belly? - Right in the belly. Ohh! I'd smother you! - I'd drop it right on your face 'til you couldn't breathe! - [ Laughing ] - You'd do that? - Yeah. - Promise? - Yeah. [ Moaning Softly ]

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Warm. Warmer. Disco. Hello? Push the button if you want to talk. Hello? Go make yourself a drink, and I'll be down in two shakes of a lamb's tail. The bar's by the fireplace.

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I can hear it. I thought you told those fuckin' assholes never to call here this late! Yeah, I told them. And that is exactly what I'm going to tell this fucking asshole right now.

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It's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten.

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Go ahead and pick it up.

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Mmm, about 20 minutes.

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Yeah, the spider just caught a couple flies. Whoa, my angel [ Receiver Hangs Up ] Down to you Down to you [ Both Grunting, Groaning ]

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I like oak myself. That's what I have in my bedroom.

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Butch. Mon amour. L'aventure commence.

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He's dead? The radio said he was dead.

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But they won't find us, will they?

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[ Slurping, Sighs ]

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[ Tapping Fingers ]

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Will you hand me a dry towel, Miss Beautiful Tulip? - Oh, I like that. I like being called a tulip. - [ Coughs ] "Tulip" is much better than "mongoloid." I didn't call you a mongoloid. I called you a retard. And I took it back. - [ Grunts ] - Butch? Yes, Lemon Pie? - Where are we going to go? - Well, I'm not sure yet. Wherever you want. We're gonna get a lot of money from this, but it ain't gonna be the kind of money... that we can live like hogs in the fathouse forever. I was thinking maybe we could go down someplace in the South Pacific. Kind of money we're gonna have's gonna carry us a long way down there. - If we wanted, we could live in Bora Bora? - You betcha. And if after a while you didn't dig that, we could go someplace else. Maybe Tahiti, Mexico. But I do not speak Spanish. Well, you do not speak Bora-Boran either. Besides, Mexican's easy. - �Donde esta el zapateria? - What does that mean? Where is the shoe store? - �Donde esta- - Spit, please. [ Spits ] - �Donde esta el zapateria? - Excellent pronunciation. - Mmm. - [ Giggles ] You'll be my little mamacita in no time. - [ Yawning ] �Que hora es? - �Que hora es? - What time is it? - What time is it? Time for bed. Sweet dreams, jellybean.

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About 1,500 dollars. Okay, put it in your pocket. It's yours. Now, with the rest of those wallets and the register, that makes this a pretty successful little score, huh? Jules, you give that fuckin' nimrod 1,500 dollars, and I'll shoot him on general principle. No, Yolanda! Yolanda! He ain't gonna do a goddamn, motherfuckin' thing! Vince, shut the fuck up! - Shut up! - Come on, Yolanda. Stay with me, baby. Now, I ain't givin' it to him, Vincent. I'm buyin' something for my money.

Pulp Fiction

- You're Brett, right? - Yeah. I thought so. You remember your business partner Marsellus Wallace, don't ya, Brett? Yeah, I remember. Good. Looks like me and Vincent caught you boys at breakfast. Sorry about that. Whatcha havin'? Hamburgers. Hamburgers! The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.

Pulp Fiction

Fabienne! Come on, baby. - Come on. Get your shit. We gotta go right now. - I was so worried. - What about our bags? - Fuck the bags; if we don't split right now, we'll miss the train. - I'll be downstairs. - Is everything well? - Just come on! No talking now! - Are we in danger? [ Groaning Continues ]

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