Strip. - All the way? - [ Wolf ] To your bare ass. Quickly, gentlemen. We got about 15 minutes... before Jimmie's better half comes pulling into the driveway. Goddamn, this morning air is some chilly shit. Are you sure this is absolutely necessary? - You know what you two look like? - [ Vincent ] What? Like a couple of guys who just blew off somebody's head. Strippin' off those bloody rags is absolutely necessary.
Pulp Fiction
How about you, Jimmie?
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I'll tell you what. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and powder my nose. You sit here... and think of something to say.
Pulp Fiction
Don't fuckin' die on me, Mia! Fuck!
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[ Music Continues ]
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[ Beeping Stops ]
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Pulp Fiction
What does Marsellus Wallace look like? What? - What country you from? - What? - "What" ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak English in What? - W-What? - English, motherfucker! Do you speak it? - Yes! - Then you know what I'm sayin'! - Yes. Describe what Marsellus Wallace looks like! - What? l- - Say "what" again! Say "what" again! I dare ya! I double dare you, motherfucker! - Say "what" one more goddamn time! - H-H-He's black. - Go on! - He's bald! - Does he look like a bitch? - What? - [ Gunshot ] - [ Screaming ] Does he look... Iike a bitch? - No! - Then why you tryin' to fuck him like a bitch? - I didn't. - Yes, you did. Yes, you did, Brett! - You tried to fuck him. - [ Gasping ] No, no. But Marsellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody except Mrs. Wallace. - You read the Bible, Brett? - Yes! Well, there's this passage I got memorized. Sort of fits this occasion. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man... is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish... and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper... and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance... and furious anger... those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers! And you will know My name is the Lord... when I lay My vengeance upon thee!" [ Screams ]
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- [ Gunshot ] - Ohh! [ Woman Screaming ] - Aaaah! I'm shot! - [ Grunting ] [ Screaming Continues ] [ Grunting, Groaning ] - [ Grunts ] - [ Gunshot ] - [ Man ] Sally! Sally! - [ Grunting Continues ] [ Panting ] - [ Gunshot ] - Aaah! [ Radio: Whistling ] [ Marsellus, Muffled ] Motherfucker! - [ Door Bells Jingling ] - [ Panting ] - Can I help you with somethin'? - Shut the fuck up. Now you just wait a goddamn minute, now! What the fuck you up to? - Come here, motherfucker! - [ Both Grunting, Groaning ] - [ Marsellus Groaning ] - You feel that sting, huh, big boy? That's pride fuckin' with you, see? You gotta fight through that shit! [ Grunting ] Huh? - You'd better kill me- - Yeah, somebody's gonna get killed. Somebody's gonna get their motherfuckin' head blown to- - [ Shotgun Cocks ] - Hold it right there, goddamn it. - This ain't none of your business, mister. - I'm makin' it my business. - Toss the weapon. - You don't understand, man. Toss the weapon. [ Panting ] [ Woman On Radio ] It's time - To find love - Take your foot off the nigger, - [ Music Continues ] - put your hand behind your head, approach the counter right now. - This motherfucker's trying to... - [ Groans ] kill me. Shut up. Keep comin'. Come on. lf love ls shelter [ Radio: Whistling ]
Pulp Fiction
This watch was on your daddy's wrist when he was shot down over Hanoi. He was captured, put in a Vietnamese prison camp. He knew if the gooks ever saw the watch, it'd be confiscated, taken away. The way your dad looked at it, this watch was your birthright. He'd be damned if any slope's gonna put their greasy, yellow hands on his boy's birthright, so he hid it in one place he knew he could hide something- his ass. Five long years he wore this watch up his ass. Then he died of dysentery- He give me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass two years. Then... after seven years, I was sent home to my family and... now...
Pulp Fiction
Now it's up to you, girl You'll be a woman soon - Please - [ Sniffing ] Come take my hand - Girl - [ Moans ] - You'll be a woman soon - [ Breathing Heavily ]
Pulp Fiction
Do you love me? Very, very much. [ Moaning ]
Pulp Fiction
- Act of God. - And what's an act of God?
Pulp Fiction
Certainly appears so.
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Pulp Fiction
Do you have any idea what he had to go through to get me that watch? I don't have time to go into it, but he went through a lot. All this other shit you could've set on fire, but I specifically reminded you not to forget the fucking watch. Now think. - Did you get it? - I believe so. "You believe so"? What the fuck does that mean? You either did or didn't get it.
Pulp Fiction
Listen, everybody. Be calm, cooperate, and this'll all be over in a minute! Get the fuck down! Well done. [ Country/Western Muzak ]
Pulp Fiction
- I was looking at myself in the mirror. - Uh-huh. I wish I had a pot.