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Duration: 49.9s

Asswipe loses everybody theirjobs and runs. How much did he spend on this party? He could have just given that money to us. Clay sucks. We should just kill him, like on that podcast. -Hey! Hey... -Put the Red Bull down. Respectfully, fuck you guys! Sorry, that was too much, but... Clay cares more about people than anyone l've ever met. He was gonna pay your bonuses tonight with the last of his money. What? Yeah, he's broke. Clay is broke. Who do you think paid for that bouncy house in accounting? Training that dog to deliver the mail? The zip-line? Doughnut Fridays? lt was all Clay! He spent all of his money trying to keep this branch afloat. And whenever l would question him about it, he would say, "Treat your employees like they're your family "and they'll do great things for you." You guys, Clay just left to get drugs with Becca and her pimp. Wait... Who's Becca? -Nate's whore. -Hey, that's his girlfriend! Nope, she's right.