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Duration: 48.6s

- All right. I love you. - Oh, my God, this guy... - We gotta ask 'em how they age ham. - I don't care! Come on! ♪ Do you love me too... ♪ On behalf of Interpol, I thank you, Mrs. Spitz. You are as brilliant as you are beautiful. Oh, my gosh. Well, thank you for that. - And Officer Spitz. - I go, what? What? It seems you are quite the detective after all. - You are! - With this girl, yes. Something I will be passing along to your superiors in New York. That would be big. I have to tell you, I think this entire experience was pretty great. - Incredible. - Yeah. Outside of the murders, it was on the money. Well, I hope the rest of your trip, which we have arranged for you, is more relaxing. - Bon voyage. - Well, thank you. You owe that to us, but thank you so much. You ever come to New York, you look us up. We'll pin, uh, a triple homicide on you or a kidnapping or something.