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Duration: 1m3s

♪ Papa, can you hear me? ♪ Is it just me, or does Do You Want to Build a Snowman? from Frozen... sound suspiciously like Papa, Can You Hear Me? from Yentl? [SNIFFLES] ♪ Papa, can you hear me? ♪ And nobody fucking realizes it. Wade, you gotta go home. You've been sitting here for three days, okay? You smell like sauerkraut left in the warm rain. Like wet garbage in hot urine. You smell like a dog ate kitty litter... and then farted his way out of the living room. I mean, like Rush Limbaugh's couch cushions after Shark Week. I love Frozen. I loved her. I loved her like an ocean loves water. An ocean is water. More importantly, I liked her. I really liked her, you know? George Michael was right. I'm never gonna dance again. Fuck! He's dead, too. At least we still have Bowie. Oh, Mr. Pool. David Bowie is... Uh, uh, uh... still with us. We do. We'll always have Bowie.