Limitless is a 2011 American science-fiction thriller film directed by Neil Burger and written by Leslie Dixon. Loosely based on the 2001 novel The Dark Fields by Alan Glynn, the film stars Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, Robert De Niro, Andrew Howard, and Anna Friel. The film follows Edward Morra, a struggling writer who is introduced to a drug called NZT-48, which gives him the ability to use his brain fully which helps him vastly improve his lifestyle. Limitless was released on March 18, 2011. Critical reviews were mixed to positive, and the film became a box-office success, grossing over $161 million on a budget of $27 million. A television series of the same name, covering events that take place after the film, debuted on September 22, 2015, but was cancelled after one season.
Have you been talking to anyone? No, I haven't been talking to anybody, Carl. I'm not stupid. I know you're not stupid, Eddie, but don't make the classic smart person's mistake. Thinking no one's smarter than you. Where the hell have you been? This is the second time you've turned to vapor. I was in the building, I was getting coffee. Why, has there been movement? Yeah, there's been movement alright. Atwood's in a coma. He wasn't playing us. He's dying. What do you know about this? I was less than usually equipped to answer. The dullness was coming on. I was overdue to take my NZT. And the pain was starting behind my eyes. Excuse me. You're not excused. What? A man in your employ can't take a piss, Carl?
All right, I'm gonna ask you again, Eddie. What do you know about this? - What? About the leak? - No. About Atwood. What? What about Atwood? Look, you got a long way to go as a liar, kiddo. - Carl, I don't know what you're... - Listen! What you're about to say is bullshit. I know there's something you're hiding from me. I smell it on you. Right now, I wanna know why this clusterfuck of a deal is dead in the water! Carl. Eddie! Eddie!
Outside Lenox Hill Hospital today, more twists and turns in the Van Loon-Atwood merger. There is absolutely no truth to the rumor of this merger. None whatsoever. My husband is having tests. This is a difficult time. We would appreciate your directing further questions to our attorney. Yes, we have no further comments at this time. We're just awaiting the results of the latest round of tests and hoping for the best. Thank you.