Limitless is a 2011 American science-fiction thriller film directed by Neil Burger and written by Leslie Dixon. Loosely based on the 2001 novel The Dark Fields by Alan Glynn, the film stars Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, Robert De Niro, Andrew Howard, and Anna Friel. The film follows Edward Morra, a struggling writer who is introduced to a drug called NZT-48, which gives him the ability to use his brain fully which helps him vastly improve his lifestyle. Limitless was released on March 18, 2011. Critical reviews were mixed to positive, and the film became a box-office success, grossing over $161 million on a budget of $27 million. A television series of the same name, covering events that take place after the film, debuted on September 22, 2015, but was cancelled after one season.
You have to know, Eddie, I wrote you off. - I was sick. - You don't get sick. You're playing at this level, you get hit by a car, you don't even die. - You're absolutely right. - I know I'm right. I mean, I didn't know who or what I was talking to. A hundred and five. That's who you were talking to, Carl. Delirium. Mm-hm. I sent over my revised projections. I didn't ask for your projections.
Two months after I'd started NZT, I was brokering the biggest merger in corporate history. Ironically, it's gonna be crude. Crude is gonna be where we're gonna hit them. Which yields a prospective profit of 200 percent. That makes both of us very happy campers. I found that if I maintained an even dose, remembered to eat, drank no alcohol, - the blackouts didn't recur. - How you doing, Eddie?
Tom, is it possible to construct an imperceptible compartment? In this jacket? - In all of them. - Certainly, sir. Safer though my stash now was, I was not sitting around until it ran out. Can I combine these ingredients in the same exact quantity, yes, but, the exact method of delivery to the brain... Darts at a dartboard. - Meaning? - Clinical trials, guinea pig people. - That's gonna take too long. - It's what it is. Or you'll kill people. You need 12, to 18 months... I'll give you two million dollars if you can do it in six.
I don't want to make concessions to you... Carl Van Loon and Hank Atwood had no idea I might soon be charged with murder. But SyCorps, Andine and others are jockeying for the same industrial concessions in Libya that both our companies are pretending we're not sniffing out. How do you know this?
So, have you decided, Eddie? What are you gonna do? When this is over? I don't know. You haven't given me the answer. You haven't asked the question. Well, given the scale of my contribution, let's say 45. Done. Forty-five thousand dollars. Forty million is plenty, Eddie. There's a lot more where that came from. You know, Eddie... may be on your mind that you're not gonna continue to work for me anymore. This has been the learning experience of my life. I hope it has. I hope you don't think you've gotten enough from me. On to the next. Well, in order for a career to evolve, I'm gonna have to move on. That you would even think that would only show me how unprepared you are to be on your own. I mean, you do know you're a freak. Your deductive powers are a gift from God, or chance, or a stray shot of sperm, or whatever, or whoever the hell wrote your life script, a gift not earned. You do not know what I know because you have not earned those powers. You're careless with those powers. You flaunt them and you throw them around like a brat with his trust fund. You haven't had to climb up all the greasy little rungs. You haven't been bored blind at the fundraisers. You haven't done the time in that first marriage to the girl with the right father. You think you can leap over all in a single bound. You haven't had to bribe or charm or threaten your way to a seat at that table. You don't know how to assess your competition because you haven't competed. Don't make me your competition.