Vacation Friends
Vacation Friends is a 2021 American buddy comedy film directed by Clay Tarver, and co-written by Tom Mullen, Tim Mullen, Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley. The film stars John Cena, Lil Rel Howery, Yvonne Orji, Meredith Hagner, Robert Wisdom, Lynn Whitfield, and Andrew Bachelor. Distributed by 20th Century Studios, Vacation Friends was released on Hulu on August 27, 2021. The film received mixed reviews from critics. A sequel titled Vacation Friends 2 was released on August 25, 2023.
[both laughing] -[Kyla] Oh, my God! You look amazing. -[Ron] Good to see you, man. -You look so gorgeous. Are you so excited? -You been working out? Look at you. -I mean-- And you. You look… -[Kyla] Oh, my sweetheart! You guys smell the same. You smell the same. Oh! I wanna kiss you! What's-- What's-- What's goin' on here? -[chuckles] -Oh, uh… -We lost the brakes around Marietta. -Yeah. E-brake did the yeoman's work till right about now. Yo, chief! Just in case you need to move it. -[Kyla] Thank you. -[chuckles] So, I think what Marcus is trying to ask is what-- What are you two doing here? Oh! Well, you guys, we were so confused why you didn't call after México. I mean, come on. We were literally sitting by the phone for a week being like, "What?" [chuckles] But it was my bad. 'Cause the card I gave you. Old card. -You had no way to call. -[Kyla] We did a little Internet stalking. Then we found out you guys were registered at Williams-Sonoma in beautiful Atlanta. From there, it was easy. Hit every wedding in Atlanta, starting with downtown, working our way out in concentric circles. Classic circle sweep maneuver. Same thing I use to find lost kids in the cave. This time you weren't too late, sweetie. Hey, man. Get me up to speed. What do you need from your best man? [Kyla] Yay! Best-- Best man? Yeah. I mean, remember the shaman?
Vacation Friends
Ah! I do remember that, and, you know, and I couldn't-- Because we couldn't reach you. [Marcus] We couldn't reach you. I couldn't call you. -We were trying, but I was like… -We were try-- We tried. …"If you'd like to make a call…" Like, I'm trying to! -Wow, okay. -So I had to get another best man. -[sighs] Yeah. -Sorry. -What? -What? -Who? -My brother. -Yeah. -Her-- her brother. They are practically best friends. Like, he loves him. And, you know, we decided to do family-style. -Family. Keep it in the fam. [chuckles] -[Emily] Mm-hmm. So… Two suku'uns. I'll consult the sacred text. [mumbles] -Okay, look. Look, I get it, right? -[Emily sighs] You guys came all the way here, and, you know, it took a long trip, and you-- you drove through a gate, which is crazy, right? 'Cause who gonna pay for that? Who? 'Cause that's not in the insurance. But that's besides the point. The wedding is all full, man. It ain't-- it ain't no more room. -Nope. No. Like-- -And ain't nowhere to stay. Oh, who cares? We'll shack up with you guys, Mexico-style! Come on, you guys. Have you met us? We're so quiet. Honestly, if we were sharing the same room and you guys were doing your little freaky, sexual… [babbles] …fuckfest post-nups-- -Excuse me. -Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Is that your truck?
Vacation Friends
I'm Harold Conway. That's my father. Oh, my gosh! Shut up. You're such a cutie. I feel like I'm meeting a literal celebrity. Hi. [chuckles] Okay! He's icy. I'm Ron. This is Kyla. Met these two animals down in Mexico. Got to know each other. Intimately. [chuckles] He didn't mean intimately. He meant… Are you wearing a military dress uniform? Oh. The buttons! [chuckles] The buttons gave it away. And you are aware that it's a federal offense to impersonate a member of the US military? -Yes, I am. -Then why are you wearing it?
Vacation Friends
We Green Berets always have each other's back. Aw, yay! -Where did you serve, son? -Four years in Saudi. Well, I was five in Laos. No shit. Heard you guys had to put jimmy hats -on the barrels of your M16s! -Oh, my God, man. They were so jam prone, we had to. We didn't have the… How in the hell did they let that maniac in the military? He's the most irresponsible person I've ever met. And somehow, he is charming my dad. And then Charlie says, "Take your fist out of there!" This is only happening because you said, "See you later." I said it without meaning it, like any decent person would. Damn it, look now. Now he did it-- Now he even got to your mama. -Oh, no, no. -Look at your mom. She's smiling.
Vacation Friends
Oh, no, no, no. What if he say anything about this trip? Oh, no. Okay, look. Okay, we got this. We just gotta contain it. [chattering] Hey, uh, w-where are you guys going? Oh, I'm gonna show Ron and Kyla their room. Wait, Harold. I thought you said everything was full. [Harold] Everything was. Except the Presidential Suite. So I splurged on it. -[Kyla] I'm so excited! You're my guy! -[Harold laughs] Why wouldn't he do that for us? We the ones getting married. Look, if you need anything, please let me know. We will. And… [sighs] …thanks again, Captain. Also, I hope you join us in the morning. We have a little fox hunt lined up. -That's easy. Found her. -[chuckles]
Vacation Friends
[Harold] Oh. Darn it, I must have left the keys at the front desk. -Stand down. -Sir, yes, sir. [Kyla] Bye. That's so sweet. -[Emily] Thanks, Dad. -[Harold] Be right back. -Okay, look. Um, could you do me a favor? -Yeah. 'Cause I'm trying to make a good impression on her family. -Sure. -Totally. It's that you don't mention anything about the Mexico trip. Nothing. Nothing at all. Oh, Marcus. You're so funny. It's just one catamaran. It's really not a big deal. Yeah, it's not about the catamaran. Okay? It's all the other crazy shit that happened. All the insane shit, it doesn't need to be mentioned here. At all. Okay, we got you. We got you. It's just, um… Well, the, uh-- the crazy shit is one of the reasons we came here. See, something happened, and it's something intense. I just-- Um, I went to the doctor, and they found a growth in my abdomen. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Yeah, and the doctor, I guess he says it's-- it's only gonna get bigger.
Vacation Friends
That's how you're gonna make that announcement? By-- By having us think that you had cancer? -Yeah! -Yeah! You guys. [chuckles] -Oh, congratulations, I guess. -[Kyla] Thank you. Thank you. Guess, um… I'm really happy for you. Aw, thanks, pal. Hey, that's not the whole story though. There's something about this baby that has to deal with you directly.
Vacation Friends