The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Grand Budapest Hotel is a 2014 comedy-drama film written, directed, and co-produced by Wes Anderson. Ralph Fiennes leads a seventeen-actor ensemble cast as Monsieur Gustave H., famed concierge of a twentieth-century mountainside resort in the fictional Eastern European country of Zubrowka. When Gustave is framed for the murder of a wealthy dowager (Tilda Swinton), he and his recently befriended protégé Zero (Tony Revolori) embark on a quest for fortune and a priceless Renaissance painting amidst the backdrop of an encroaching fascist regime. Anderson's American Empirical Pictures produced the film in association with Studio Babelsberg, Fox Searchlight Pictures, and Indian Paintbrush's Scott Rudin and Steven Rales. Fox Searchlight supervised the commercial distribution, and The Grand Budapest Hotel's funding was sourced through Indian Paintbrush and German government-funded tax rebates. Anderson and longtime collaborator Hugo Guinness conceived The Grand Budapest Hotel as a fragmented tale following a character inspired by a common friend. They initially struggled in their brainstorming, but the experience touring Europe and researching the literature of Austrian novelist Stefan Zweig shaped their vision for the film. The Grand Budapest Hotel draws visually from Europe-set mid-century Hollywood films and the United States Library of Congress's photochrom print collection of alpine resorts. Filming took place in eastern Germany from January to March 2013. French composer Alexandre Desplat composed the symphonic, Russian folk-inspired score, which expanded on his early work with Anderson. The film explores themes of fascism, nostalgia, friendship, and loyalty, and further studies analyze the function of color as an important storytelling device. The Grand Budapest Hotel premiered in competition at the 64th Berlin International Film Festival on February 6, 2014. The French theatrical release on February 26 preceded the film's global rollout, followed by releases in Germany, North America, and the United Kingdom on March 6–7. The Grand Budapest Hotel drew highly positive reviews for its craftsmanship and acting, though occasional criticism centered on the film's approach to subject matter, fragmented storytelling, and characterization. It earned $174 million in box office revenue worldwide, Anderson's highest-grossing feature to date. The film was nominated for nine awards at the 87th Academy Awards including Best Picture, winning four, and received numerous other accolades. Since its release, The Grand Budapest Hotel has been assessed as one of the greatest films of the 21st century.

Take a look.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Who drew this? What do you mean, "Who drew this?" I did. Very good. You've got a wonderful line, Ludwig. This shows great artistic promise. Question, how do you intend to penetrate this lowest rudiment? It's 25 inches of reinforced granite masonry, is it not? Digging with the throat-slitter, I expect this would take three to six months of continual effort, during which time several of our members will have been violently executed. You hit the nail on the head, Mr. Gustave. We got fake documents, second-hand street clothes, a rope ladder made of sticks and bunk-linens, but we need digging tools, which are proving hard to come by in this flop-house.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

YOUNG WRITER: At this point in the story, the old man fell silent and pushed away his saddle of lamb. His eyes went blank as two stones. I could see he was in distress. Are you ill, Mr. Moustafa? I finally asked. Oh, dear me, no. He said. It's only that I don't know how to proceed.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

He was crying. You see, I never speak of Agatha, because even at the thought of her name I'm unable to control my emotions.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Well, I suppose there's no way around it.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

You see, she saved us.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

On our third formal rendezvous, I had asked for her hand in marriage and she had agreed. Will you marry me? Yes.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

We did not have 50 Klubecks between the two of us. No one knew, of course, but, then, who would have cared? We were each completely on our own in the world, and we were deeply in love.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Here. Thank you. It's a book. I see. Romantic Poetry, Volume One. Monsieur Gustave recommended it. I have a copy of my own as well. I ruined the surprise, I suppose. I'll go ahead and open it, anyway.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Read the inscription.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

MR. MOUSTAFA: Monsieur Gustave insisted on an immediate and thorough cross-examination... She's charming. She's so charming.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

...during which he presented Agatha with a porcelain pendant and five dozen individually tissue-wrapped white tulips in a box the size of a child's coffin. It's not right. I beg your pardon? Why is he sulking? She's my girlfriend. You can't just buy her things. I'm only interviewing this vision of loveliness on your behalf. Never be jealous in this life, Zero, not even for an instant. Is he flirting with you?

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Yes. I approve of this union. Agatha, my beauty, return to your beloved. MR. MOUSTAFA: Soon we learned... GUSTAVE H: Blessings upon you both. ...not only was Agatha immensely skilled with a palette knife and a butter-cream flourish... Mendl. Go.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

...she was also very brave.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

I believe she was born that way.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Something's missing. A crucial document, either misplaced or, conceivably, destroyed. I don't know what it contains, I don't know what it represents, I don't know what it is, but there are traces and shadows of it everywhere. Now, I don't want to alarm you, and I don't expect to see any significant change in the magistrate's ultimate decision vis-à-vis your own inheritance, but, especially given the circumstances of the death, as well as the disappearance of the key witness in the murder case, Serge X, I suggest that we immediately bring this matter to the attention of the municipal inspector so that there can be absolutely no question of impropriety at any future date. Agreed? Not agreed.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Not agreed? Not agreed.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Can I ask you a question, Vilmos? Yes, Dmitri? Who are you working for? I beg your pardon? Who are you working for? I thought you're supposed to be our lawyer. Well, in point of fact, I'm the executor of the estate. In this particular situation, I represent the deceased. Oh, yeah? Yeah. A provision for my fees was included in the... Just wrap it up and don't make waves. Agreed?

The Grand Budapest Hotel

I'm an attorney. I'm obligated to proceed according to the rule of law.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Not agreed.

The Grand Budapest Hotel