The Voices
The Voices is a 2014 psychological horror comedy film directed by Marjane Satrapi, written by Michael R. Perry, and starring Ryan Reynolds, Gemma Arterton, Anna Kendrick and Jacki Weaver. It had its world premiere at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2014. The film was released in a limited release and through video on demand on February 6, 2015, by Lionsgate. It received generally positive reviews from critics, with many highlighting Reynolds’ performance. The film follows a man suffering from schizophrenia and trying to maintain secrecy about his hallucinations. While off his medications, the man kills and dismembers his love interest. Later, he hallucinates that the dead woman urges him to kill again in order to provide her with a companion.
You think they'll all nod and understand the way your stupid dog does? - I don't know. - Well, I do know. They're gonna throw your ass in jail where tattooed, meth addicts will butt-fuck you daily for 15 years to life. You're a good man who made a mistake. Nobody is gonna rape you, Jerry. - But he did mean to do it. - No. Not the deer. That was an accident. I'm talking about the girl. You wanted to kill her. - Never. - Why'd you take the knife, then? Oh, my God. I'm evil. No, you're not. I've killed things on purpose, Jerry. There's no shame in it. It's instinct. The only time I felt truly alive is when I'm killing. The only time I've ever felt truly alive.
The Voices