The Voices
The Voices is a 2014 psychological horror comedy film directed by Marjane Satrapi, written by Michael R. Perry, and starring Ryan Reynolds, Gemma Arterton, Anna Kendrick and Jacki Weaver. It had its world premiere at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2014. The film was released in a limited release and through video on demand on February 6, 2015, by Lionsgate. It received generally positive reviews from critics, with many highlighting Reynolds’ performance. The film follows a man suffering from schizophrenia and trying to maintain secrecy about his hallucinations. While off his medications, the man kills and dismembers his love interest. Later, he hallucinates that the dead woman urges him to kill again in order to provide her with a companion.
- When? - On Friday night. - I'll pick you up after work. - No, it's... It's all right. I don't need a lift. Or just meet there, then? The show starts at 7:00. - There's a show? - A show, yes. More than just a show. The best spectacle in the world. You'll love it. Prepare to be amazed. Okay. Cool. I'll get there early. I'll save you a seat. - All right. - All right?
The Voices
- Is he gone? - Yeah, he's gone. - What is this about? - It's this Chinese restaurant. I said I might meet him over there. No. You can't. Tonight's karaoke. Yeah, karaoke. He'll get over it. Well, just call him and tell him, you can't make it. No, I don't want to upset him. I'll wait until the office closes and then I'll leave a message on voicemail. You're a real sweetheart, Fiona.
The Voices
I got a girl named Li She really drives me crazy I got a girl named Li She really drives me crazy She got tiny feet and almond eyes Long black hair and golden skin She makes me want to scream I got a girl named Li She really drives me crazy I don't want to lose you This good thing That I got 'Cause if I do I will surely Surely lose a lot 'Cause your love - Like thunder - Thunder - Lightning - Lightning The way you love me is frightening You better knock, knock, knock on wood Baby Hey, fish.
The Voices