The Lego Batman Movie

The Lego Batman Movie is a 2017 animated superhero comedy film produced by Warner Animation Group, DC Entertainment, RatPac-Dune Entertainment, Lego System A/S, Lin Pictures, Lord Miller Productions, and Vertigo Entertainment, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It was directed by Chris McKay (in his feature directorial debut) from a screenplay by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stern, and John Whittington. Based on the characters from the DC Universe created by DC Comics and the Lego DC Super Heroes' Batman toy line, the film is a collaboration between production houses from the United States, Australia, and Denmark, the first spin-off in The Lego Movie franchise and the second installment overall. The film features Will Arnett reprising his role as Batman from The Lego Movie alongside Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, and Ralph Fiennes. The story follows the eponymous character (Arnett) as he attempts to overcome his greatest fear while saving Gotham City from the Joker's (Galifianakis) latest scheme. Development of The Lego Batman Movie started in October 2014, after Warner Bros. announced several Lego films, following the critical and commercial success of The Lego Movie, while Chris McKay was hired to direct the film after being replaced by Rob Schrab to direct the sequel to The Lego Movie. He cited both The Naked Gun and Airplane! film series as his main inspirations. Casting call began in July to November 2015. The film pays homage to previous Batman films, cartoons, and comics. The film also features characters from other notable franchises and film series with them. Like The Lego Movie, the animation was provided by Animal Logic. Lorne Balfe composed the film's musical score. The Lego Batman Movie had its world premiere in Dublin, Ireland on January 29, 2017, and was released in the United States on February 10, 2017 in RealD 3D, Dolby Cinema, IMAX, IMAX 3D and 4DX formats. The film received generally positive reviews from critics for its animation, voice acting, music, visual style, and humor, and was also commercially successful, having grossed $312 million worldwide against a budget of around $80 million. A sequel, Lego Superfriends, was announced in 2018, but was cancelled after Universal Pictures acquired the Lego franchise rights.

- Oh! - Me-ouch. I'm talking about my new peeps! And they're just like me.

The Lego Batman Movie

The greatest villains you'll ever see. You wanna meet them?

The Lego Batman Movie

- No. - Too bad.

The Lego Batman Movie

He's evil, he's magic, and it's about to get tragic. It's Voldemort. Magic! You are a fish. You are a frog. You are a fish frog. He's a 9,000-year-old incarnation of evil, with an eye forjewelry. Give it up for Sauron! Good afternoon, Gotham City. He likes long, violent walks on historic buildings. It's King Kong! Come at me, Gotham!

The Lego Batman Movie

Commissioner Gordon, these monsters, they're too powerful.

The Lego Batman Movie

Can you contain them to downtown?

The Lego Batman Movie

That's gonna be impossible. Half the police force are fish! Sergeant Jackson! Stop floppin' around! And rounding out the evil all-stars, Wicked Witch! Medusa. And British robots! Exterminate! Ask your nerd friends.

The Lego Batman Movie

Hello? Bad guys?

The Lego Batman Movie

What a crew, huh? And they all work for me! Who's the greatest villain of them all now, Batman? Still not you. Actually, this does look pretty terrifying, Bat-Dad. Whee! Nice destruction all around. Watch your step! Good work, guys! Now, all that's left for me is to rub it in Batman's bat face. Hey, Sauron, doesn't your flaming eye have a unique ability to peer through time and space? - Uh-huh. - Well, I need to find Batman. Where's homeboy's man cave? Hmm. Give me a second. Scary noise. It's beneath Wayne Manor! Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a sec. Are you trying to tell me that Bruce Wayne is Batman... ...'s roommate?

The Lego Batman Movie

Uh... Yeah.

The Lego Batman Movie

Evil army, this way to the Batcave!

The Lego Batman Movie

Good grief!

The Lego Batman Movie

Hey, Batman! Joker's home. I'm rubbing my butt all over your stuff. We're going to have to rename this the Butt-mobile.

The Lego Batman Movie

Hey, evil army. I need Batman brought here. Now go get him! Joker out!

The Lego Batman Movie

Uh... Padre? Yeah? Do you ever get scared?

The Lego Batman Movie


The Lego Batman Movie

Yeah, that's what I figured, 'cause you're Batman.

The Lego Batman Movie

Hey, kid. You know who does get scared? Who? Bruce Wayne. - Really? - Yeah. Bruno told me once that sometimes the only way to get out of a down moment is to start boxing.

The Lego Batman Movie

And by "boxing," he meant beatboxing. Oh! Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na...

The Lego Batman Movie

Feel it, uh-huh Dick Grayson on the mic, go Oh. Um...

The Lego Batman Movie