The Lego Batman Movie

The Lego Batman Movie is a 2017 animated superhero comedy film produced by Warner Animation Group, DC Entertainment, RatPac-Dune Entertainment, Lego System A/S, Lin Pictures, Lord Miller Productions, and Vertigo Entertainment, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It was directed by Chris McKay (in his feature directorial debut) from a screenplay by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stern, and John Whittington. Based on the characters from the DC Universe created by DC Comics and the Lego DC Super Heroes' Batman toy line, the film is a collaboration between production houses from the United States, Australia, and Denmark, the first spin-off in The Lego Movie franchise and the second installment overall. The film features Will Arnett reprising his role as Batman from The Lego Movie alongside Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, and Ralph Fiennes. The story follows the eponymous character (Arnett) as he attempts to overcome his greatest fear while saving Gotham City from the Joker's (Galifianakis) latest scheme. Development of The Lego Batman Movie started in October 2014, after Warner Bros. announced several Lego films, following the critical and commercial success of The Lego Movie, while Chris McKay was hired to direct the film after being replaced by Rob Schrab to direct the sequel to The Lego Movie. He cited both The Naked Gun and Airplane! film series as his main inspirations. Casting call began in July to November 2015. The film pays homage to previous Batman films, cartoons, and comics. The film also features characters from other notable franchises and film series with them. Like The Lego Movie, the animation was provided by Animal Logic. Lorne Balfe composed the film's musical score. The Lego Batman Movie had its world premiere in Dublin, Ireland on January 29, 2017, and was released in the United States on February 10, 2017 in RealD 3D, Dolby Cinema, IMAX, IMAX 3D and 4DX formats. The film received generally positive reviews from critics for its animation, voice acting, music, visual style, and humor, and was also commercially successful, having grossed $312 million worldwide against a budget of around $80 million. A sequel, Lego Superfriends, was announced in 2018, but was cancelled after Universal Pictures acquired the Lego franchise rights.

Okay. Like all superheroes, Superman has zero friends, and he spends most of his time basking in sweet, sweet isolation, here at his alone palace.

The Lego Batman Movie

So, I'll keep him busy while you sneak into that vent and get the Projector. Got it? Copy that! Oh, here's an idea. I could also... Whoa, whoa. Don't even finish that thought. See this counter? These are all the good ideas Batman has.

The Lego Batman Movie

And no one else has ever had any good ideas. So don't even try. Your super power... excellent listening and execution of my ideas. - Let's try it out. - Cool! Drop to the ground. Do a backflip. Do a front flip. Triple Axel. Plié. Relevé. Jeté. Pythagorean theorem. A squared plus B squared equals C squared. Physicalize it! A squared plus B squared equals C squared.

The Lego Batman Movie

- How'd I do, Dad? - Mediocre. Yes! And don't call me "Dad." Now, begin mission. Yes, Papa. "Papa" falls into the "Dad" category.

The Lego Batman Movie

'Sup, Supes? Wow. It's Batman. And he's at my house. Right now. What are you doing here? Don't worry about it, dawg. I'm not here to throw down or anything. Uh, no, I would crush you.

The Lego Batman Movie

Okay. Sure, sure, sure. Hey, listen. Thank me later, but I just happened to be in the hood. And I figured that you could probably use the...

The Lego Batman Movie


The Lego Batman Movie

Wait a minute.

The Lego Batman Movie

Are you... Are you having the "57th Annual Justice League Anniversary Party" - without me? - No. No! No! No! No! There must have been some mistake with the email. That's crazy, man. Totally! Yes, email mistakes happen all the time. Sometimes I don't get Superman's emails for years. Great point, G.L. Great point. All right. Well, that clears up everything, right? Enjoy the party, bro. Hit it, DJ Wonder Dog.

The Lego Batman Movie

I'm Superman at the super party I'm Superman at the super party Hey-hey Hey, Batman. Do you wanna take a quick pic? Sure. Where do you want me? Right there is perfect. - Here's the camera. - Oh.

The Lego Batman Movie

Okay, party people, get together. Yeah. Everybody say... Super Friends! Let me see it! Let me see! Classic! We got everyone.

The Lego Batman Movie

Yeah, everyone. Thanks, Batman. Yeah, no problem. I did, like, a burst. This party is the bomb! Look at me! More like Martian Dance Hunter, am I right?

The Lego Batman Movie

'Puter, call kid.

The Lego Batman Movie


The Lego Batman Movie

How's it going? 'Cause everything is going great down here. I can see the target. But there's some kind of laser energy thing that I can't get through. Okay. I'll see if I can shut it off. But I'm gonna have to make up an excuse to leave this party without anyone noticing.

The Lego Batman Movie


The Lego Batman Movie

Kid, tell me when it's off, all right? - Now? - No. - Now? - No. - Now? - Not quite. - Now? - No. - My son... - No. These irreplaceable crystals contain all my knowledge, which I now pass on to... Darn it. It's gotta be one of these. Is this the one?

The Lego Batman Movie

O.M. gosh! You did it, Padre! It's off! Okay. Now you gotta make your way to the Atomic Cauldron and get that Phantom Zone Projector. - Do exactly as I say. - 10-4! Okay. Jump!

The Lego Batman Movie

Run, run, run. Drop. That's excellent listening. Shimmy. Strafe-left. Strafe-right. Avoid. Hey, I was thinking. If I'm gonna be a superhero, and go on awesome superhero missions like this one, can we use code names? Mine can be Robin. - I'm sorry, say that again? - Robin! As in the small, Midwestern frail bird? Yeah, and I already have a catch phrase. Tweet, tweet, on the street. - Hard pass. - And a song. Fly, Robin, fly Harder pass. Now slide! Okay, kid. I'm gonna teach you how to masterbuild your way inside that thing. Yay! Grab those 2x6's, pull out the axle studs, disconnect the 6x10 plates. Like this? Whoa! Unbelievable obeying. Now, let's ride. Toes to the nose. Now you're gleaming the cube. - Yeah! - Now, get creative. Freestyle a little bit. Oh, that's good, kid! It's like looking in a Bat-mirror. Okay. Leap.

The Lego Batman Movie

- I've got the Projector, Dad. - Booyah! Now do everything we just did backwards.

The Lego Batman Movie