M3GAN (pronounced "Megan") is a 2022 American science fiction horror film directed by Gerard Johnstone. It was written by Akela Cooper from a story by Cooper and James Wan. Allison Williams and Violet McGraw star, Amie Donald physically portrays M3GAN, and Jenna Davis voices the character. Its plot follows an artificially intelligent doll who develops self-awareness and becomes hostile toward anyone who comes between her and her human companion. M3GAN premiered in Los Angeles on December 7, 2022, and Universal Pictures theatrically released it in the United States on January 6, 2023. The film grossed over $181 million worldwide against a budget of $12 million and received positive reviews from critics, with praise for its campy blend of horror and humor. A sequel, M3GAN 2.0, is scheduled to be released on June 27, 2025, while a spin-off, SOULM8TE, is scheduled to be released on January 2, 2026.
One time, she found a cockroach in my schoolbag. She was upset 'cause I didn't eat my sandwiches. And then all of a sudden, this thing crawls up her wrist, and she just started screaming like a maniac and ran out of the house. That was pretty funny. Anytime you wanna tell me something special about your parents, something funny or sad or anything at all, you just tell me, and I'll keep it safe. And we can listen to it whenever we want.
I think the world's about to shift on its axis. But if we wanna stay ahead of that shift, we're gonna have to move fast. That means no leaks. We need to launch this before anyone can steal it from us. So let me make a pitch. We do a live stream in two weeks. That way, we can get the presale vouchers out before Christmas. How ready is she? Will she hold up to a public demonstration? Uh, I'd like to do a little more testing, but, yeah, I think I can make that work. All right. Let's do it. And, David, I think we need to get Gemma in front of someone at legal. You bet. Uh, wait... wait, why... Why is that? Because as of right now, she's the most valuable asset this company has, and I think she might wanna be renegotiating her contract.
Hey, I'm sorry about today. I shouldn't have put you in that position if you weren't feeling up to it. It worked out, didn't it? Three, two, one, I win! Hey! Anyway, I just wanted to say that... hey, hey! M3gan, turn off. Why did you do that? M3gan, turn on. Because I'm trying to have a conversation with you. M3gan, turn off.
I know that this, um, hasn't been easy for either of us. This transition. But if you ever need to talk about any of that stuff... I already did talk about it. Yeah, but m3gan's not a person, cady. She's a toy. - You Don't get to say that. - What? I said I Don't wanna talk about it. I wanna turn m3gan back on. M3gan, turn on. what's up? So there's this new game called tic-tac-toe. You put your hand like this. Go like this, this.