This Is the End
This Is the End is a 2013 American apocalyptic comedy horror film written, directed and produced by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg in their directorial debuts. It is a feature-length film adaptation of Rogen and Goldberg's short film Jay and Seth Versus the Apocalypse (2007), which was directed by Jason Stone, who serves as an executive producer on the film. Starring James Franco, Jonah Hill, Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, Michael Cera and Emma Watson, the film centers on fictionalized versions of its cast in the wake of a global biblical apocalypse in Los Angeles. Produced by Mandate Pictures and Rogen and Goldberg's Point Grey Pictures, This Is the End premiered at the Fox Village Theater on June 3, 2013, before being released theatrically in the United States nine days later on June 12 by Sony Pictures Releasing, via its Columbia Pictures label. Upon release, the film became both a critical and commercial success, receiving generally positive reviews from critics and grossing $126 million worldwide on a budget of $32–41.9 million.
Jesus fucking Christ, man. You might want to stay away from saying that. "Jesus fucking Christ"? Why? Why can't I say that? One of the Ten Commandments. "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. " Jesus isn't the name of the Lord. God is name of the Lord. Jesus, God, it's all the same. It's the Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. It's like Neapolitan ice cream. I don't even know what the fucking Commandments are. Guys, I think this is sort of bullshit, because we're all good people.
This Is the End
I can look at each one of you in the eye, I know you're good. I'm good. We're four actors. We bring joy to people's lives. Yeah, but we don't do it for free. We get paid handsomely, much higher than the average profession. It's not like it was just handed to any of us. We've worked really hard to be here. Yeah, pretend like it's hot when it's cold.
This Is the End
You sitting on the beach, it's freezing, you in your drawers, talking about something, everybody's surfing. I think God might have just fucked up, made a mistake, and left us behind by accident. I mean, He's got a lot of shit on His plate. It's not an oversight, it's not a mistake, okay? We got to face facts. We're here, and there's a reason we're all here. Why are you so sure? I've done things, man. I...
This Is the End