Sicario is a 2015 American action thriller film directed by Denis Villeneuve, written by Taylor Sheridan and starring Emily Blunt, Benicio del Toro, and Josh Brolin. The film follows a principled FBI special agent who is enlisted by a government task force to bring down the leader of a powerful and brutal Mexican drug cartel. Sicario was selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival. It began a limited release in the United States on September 18, 2015, followed by a nationwide release on October 2, 2015. Sicario received praise for its cast performances, action sequences, writing, direction, musical score and cinematography. The film was nominated for Best Cinematography, Best Original Score, and Best Sound Editing at the 88th Academy Awards. It also earned BAFTA nominations for Best Supporting Actor, Best Cinematography, and Best Film Music. Its sequel, Sicario: Day of the Soldado, directed by Stefano Sollima, was released on June 29, 2018. A third film, titled Sicario: Capos, is in development.
MATT: Got a little nutty, huh? KATE: Nutty? Yeah. Yeah, that was fucking illegal. You wanna start a war? You're a fucking spook! And him! I mean, who the fuck is that? Told you, you could stay here. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. You just spray bullets at... Yeah, sure there's just fucking civilians everywhere. I'm not a soldier! This is not what I do! Whoa! Don't sell yourself short, all right? The reason Reggie's home is I know he wasn't ready for this. But he better get ready real quick because this is the future, Kate! Juárez is what happens when they dig in. This is it! What am I doing here? What you're doing here is you're giving us the opportunity to shake the tree and create chaos. That's what this is! In the meantime, just sponge everything up you see. Learn! That's why you're here.