Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo is a 2003 American animated comedy-drama adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Andrew Stanton and co-directed by Lee Unkrich, the screenplay was written by Stanton, Bob Peterson, and David Reynolds from a story by Stanton. The film stars the voices of Albert Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould, Willem Dafoe, and Geoffrey Rush. It tells the story of an overprotective clownfish named Marlin (Brooks) who, along with a forgetful regal blue tang named Dory (DeGeneres), searches for his missing son Nemo (Gould). Along the way, Marlin learns to take risks and comes to terms with Nemo taking care of himself. Pre-production of the film began in early 1997. The inspiration for Finding Nemo sprang from multiple experiences, going back to Stanton's childhood, when he loved going to the dentist to see the fish tank, assuming that the fish were from the ocean and wanted to go home. To ensure that the movements of the fish in the film were believable, the animators took a crash course in fish biology and oceanography. Thomas Newman composed the score for the film. Premiering in Los Angeles on May 18, Finding Nemo was released in theaters in the United States on May 30, 2003. Upon its release, it received widespread acclaim from critics, who praised the visual elements, screenplay, animation, Newman's score and characters that have been cited as funny to both young moviegoers and their parents. It became the highest-grossing animated film at the time of its release, and the second-highest-grossing film of 2003, earning a total of $871 million worldwide by the end of its initial theatrical run. The film received four nominations at the 76th Academy Awards, and won the award for Best Animated Feature, becoming the first Pixar film to do so. Finding Nemo is the best-selling DVD title of all time, with over 40 million copies sold as of 2006, and was the highest-grossing G-rated film of all time before Pixar's own Toy Story 3 overtook it. The film was re-released in 3D in 2012. In 2008, the American Film Institute named it as the 10th greatest American animated film as part of their 10 Top 10 lists. A sequel, Finding Dory, was released in June 2016.
Whoa! Whoa! That was so cool! Hey, Dad, did you see that? Did you see me? Did you see what I did? You so totally rock, Squirt! So give me some fin. Noggin. - Dude. - Dude. Oh... intro. Jellyman, offspring. Offspring, Jellyman. - Jellies?! Sweet. - Totally. Apparently, I must've done something you liked... dudes. - You rock, dude! - Ow. Curl away, my son. It's awesome, Jellyman. The little dudes are just eggs. We leave 'em on a beach to hatch... and then, coo-coo-cachoo... they find their way back to the big ol' blue. - All by themselves? - Yeah. But, dude, how do you know when they're ready? Well, you never really know. But when they know, you'll know, you know? Ha.
Finding Nemo
Hey, look, everybody. I know that dude! It's the Jellyman! Go on. Jump on him! - Turtle pile! - Wait, wait, wait! - Are you funny? - Where's your shell? - I need to breathe! - Are you running away? Did you really cross the jellyfish forest? - Did they sting you? - One at a time! Mr. Fish, did you die? Sorry, I was a little vague on the details. So, where are you going? You see, my son was taken. My son was taken away from me. - No way. - What happened? No, no, kids. I don't want to talk about it. Aww! Please? Please? Well, OK. I live on this reef a long, long way from here. This is gonna be good. I can tell. And my son Nemo... See, he was mad at me. And maybe he wouldn't have done it... if I hadn't been so tough on him. I don't know. Anyway, he swam out in the open water to this boat... and when he was out there, these divers appeared... and I tried to stop them, but the boat was too fast. So, we swam out in the ocean to follow them... They couldn't stop 'em. And then Nemo's dad... he swims out to the ocean, and they bump into... ...three ferocious sharks. He scares away the sharks by blowing 'em up! Golly, that's amazing. And then dives thousands of feet... ...straight down into the dark. It's wicked dark down there. You can't see a thing. How's it going, Bob? And the only thing they can see down there... the light from this big, horrible creature... with razor-sharp teeth. Nice parry, old man. And then he has to blast his way... So, these two little fish have been... searching the ocean for days on the East Australian Current. Which means that he may be on his way here right now. That should put him in Sydney Harbor... a matter of days. I mean, it sounds like... this guy is gonna stop at nothing... ...till he finds his son. I sure hope he makes it. That's one dedicated father, if you ask me.
Finding Nemo
Would you just shut up?! You're rats with wings! Bloke's been looking for his boy Nemo. - Nemo?! - He was taken off the reef... - Take it! You happy? - Mine! Mine! Mine! Hey, say that again! Something about Nemo. Mine! Mine! Mine! Whoooa... Hyah! Mine? Last I heard, he's heading towards the harbor. Ho ho! Brilliant!
Finding Nemo
Gill? Hey, Sharkbait. I'm sorry I couldn't stop the- No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I was so ready to get out... so ready to taste that ocean... I was willing to put you in harm's way to get there. Nothing should be worth that. I'm sorry I couldn't get you back to your father, kid.
Finding Nemo
All right. Hey, hey, hey- - What the- - Aaah! That's one way to pull a tooth. Huh. Darn kids. Good thing I pulled the right one, eh, Prime Minister? Hey, psst! Oh, Nigel! You just missed an extraction. Has he loosened the periodontal ligament yet? What am I talking about? Where's Nemo? - I've got to speak with him. - What is it? Your dad's been fighting the entire ocean... - looking for you. - My father? Really? He's traveled hundreds of miles, battling sharks and jellyfish- Sharks? That can't be him. What was his name? Some sort of sport fish. - Tuna? Trout? - Marlin? Marlin! The little clownfish from the reef. It's my dad! He took on a shark! I heard he took on three. - Three sharks? - That's 4,800 teeth! After you were taken by Diver Dan over there... your dad followed the boat like a maniac. Really? He's swimming, giving it all he's got... and then three gigantic sharks capture him... and he blows them up and dives thousands of feet... and gets chased by a monster with huge teeth! He ties this demon to a rock, and what's his reward? He gets to battle an entire jellyfish forest! Now he's with a bunch of sea turtles on the E.A.C... and the word is he's headed this way right now... to Sydney! - Wow! - What a good daddy! He was looking for you after all, Sharkbait.
Finding Nemo
Get him out of there! Come on, kid! Grab the end! Sharkbait! - No! - Can you hear me? Nemo! Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Sharkbait, you did it! Sharkbait, you're... covered with germs! Aah! Ha ha! That took guts, kid. All right, gang, we have less than 48 hours... before Darla gets here. This tank'll get plenty dirty in that time... but we have to help it along any way we can. - Jacques? No cleaning. - I shall resist. Everybody else, be as gross as possible. Think dirty thoughts. We're gonna make this tank so filthy... the dentist will have to clean it. - Good work! - Ha ha ha!
Finding Nemo
All right, we're here, dudes! Get ready! Your exit's coming up, man! Where? I don't see it! Right there! I see it! I see it! The swirling vortex of terror? - That's it, dude. - Of course it is. OK, first, find your exit buddy. Do you have your exit buddy? Yes! Squirt give you a rundown of proper exiting technique. Good afternoon! We'll have a great jump today! OK, crank a hard cutback as you hit the wall. There's a screaming bottom turn, so watch out! Remember- rip it, roll it, and punch it! He's trying to speak to me, I know it! You're really cute, but I don't know what you're saying! Say the first thing again. OK, Jellyman! Go, go, go!
Finding Nemo
Whoo! That was... fun! I actually enjoyed that. Hey, look, turtles! Ha ha! Most excellent! Now turn your fishy tails around... and swim straight on through to Sydney! No worries, man! No worries! Thank you, dude Crush! - Bye! - Bye, Jellyman! You tell your little dude I said hi, OK? See ya later, dudes! Bye, everyone! Nemo would have loved this. Ooh! Hey! Crush, I forgot! How old are you? 150, dude! And still young! Rock on! 150! 150! I gotta remember that. Whoa.
Finding Nemo
Boy, this is taking awhile. How about we play a game? OK. OK, I'm thinking of something orange... and it's small- - It's me. - Right! It's orange and small- It's me. All righty, Mr. Smartypants. And it's orange and small and white stripes- Me. And the next one, just a guess, me. - That's just scary. - Wait, wait, wait. I have definitely seen this floating speck before. That means we've passed it before... and that means we're going in circles... and that means we're not going straight! - Hey, hey! - Get to the surface. We'll figure it out up there. Let's go! - Hey! Relax. - What? Take a deep breath.
Finding Nemo