Tag is a 2018 American comedy film directed by Jeff Tomsic (in his feature directorial debut) and written by Rob McKittrick and Mark Steilen. The film is based on a true story that was published in The Wall Street Journal about a group of men, played by Ed Helms, Jake Johnson, Hannibal Buress, Jon Hamm, and Jeremy Renner, who had spent one month each year playing the same game of tag since their childhood. Annabelle Wallis, Isla Fisher, Rashida Jones, and Leslie Bibb also star. The film was released June 15, 2018, by Warner Bros. Pictures. It received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed $78 million worldwide, against a production budget of $28 million.
Even if we wanted to do that, we all signed an amendment. Amendments are null and void if you fake a miscarriage. That's just basic contract law. - That's law. Basic contract law. - Law. Like he said. - I literally said exactly that. - I know. We're saying it together. But I was also right earlier because I said the miscarriage was fake. The amendment stands, and maybe that's a good thing.
I'm the girl who cried miscarriage. But I had to get him out of that room and distract you for a couple of hours so that the amendment could kick in. Wait. Are you even pregnant? No, I was never pregnant. You were never pregnant? Whoa. Just listen. Jerry knew that you guys might get the drop on him so "Operation Miscarriage" was our fail-safe. - It was an operation? - It was actually my idea. - Brilliant. Brilliant! - Ah, thanks. That's diabolical. Everyone's just pissed because you won, and they're boys. They can't get pregnant, so they can't fake a miscarriage. It's true. Look, I'm not saying I want you to have a miscarriage. Then don't. 'Cause that would be terrible. But if you ever do have a miscarriage, I don't wanna say that you would deserve it 'cause that's too far, but what I will say and what I do feel is that's what you get.
Sorry. Not cool yet. It's just, you did murder a child. No. She didn't. No, it was a fake miscarriage. Yeah, not the imaginary child that was inside of you, but the actual inner child that lives inside of me got decapitated. Head flew up, did flips in the air, blood spurting everywhere. Hoagie, Jerry has a perfect record, and we're a team now.
I met Jerry in AA. You see, people, I got a lot of problems. Anger issues. I left my wife. I have many kids. And this man got me to turn to the cloth. It was a low point in my life. There was jail time involved. I briefly converted to Islam. I lost a long legal battle with Jo-Ann Fabrics. During that time, I got to know Jerry and Susan as a couple. And that is a true blessing. What's the difference between Episcopalian and Lutheran? Episcopalians don't eat fish. That's pescatarian. That's not a religion. They're all fanatics. I don't know.
Remind me again, is it on the kiss or after they walk back down the aisle? Seriously? You said you'd worked weddings before. The kiss, the doves, end of ceremony. The groom was very specific about this. ...and finds new ways of expressing love through the ups and downs of life. Susan, do you take Jerry to be your husband?