Tag is a 2018 American comedy film directed by Jeff Tomsic (in his feature directorial debut) and written by Rob McKittrick and Mark Steilen. The film is based on a true story that was published in The Wall Street Journal about a group of men, played by Ed Helms, Jake Johnson, Hannibal Buress, Jon Hamm, and Jeremy Renner, who had spent one month each year playing the same game of tag since their childhood. Annabelle Wallis, Isla Fisher, Rashida Jones, and Leslie Bibb also star. The film was released June 15, 2018, by Warner Bros. Pictures. It received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed $78 million worldwide, against a production budget of $28 million.
Shit. You know what I just realized? There's a lot of sacramental wine and wafers in there. He could survive for quite a while. No, he can't drink. - Yeah, but it's not real wine. - Yes, it is. It's just grape juice. It's not wine. I mean, I was once so fucked up that I took a shit in my niece's crib.
You know what he's doing? It's a classic ruse. Make them think there's an exit and he already escaped. Not buying it. I buy it. I bet he has a secret door back there. Refrigerator turns into an elevator. What? Takes the elevator down to the basement. That's his lair. - Different outfits, computer screens. - What are you talking about? - Cameras watching us. - He's not Batman.
Where is he? Jerry? We're supposed to be getting our wedding photos done in an hour. What are you doing? - Come on out, Jerry. - Jerry, you can come out. We're not gonna get you, Jerry. Babe, look, calm down. Look, I'm sorry. Shut up, Jerry. I can't fucking take this, Jerry. She can't take it. Come on out. Honey, why are you playing this game right now? Why are you playing this game with your friends right now? Why is he playing this game right now? Hey, babe, look. You gotta calm down, okay? Listen to me! It's very hard because you have decided to ruin everything. And so have you. With your stupid face, and your stupid beard, and your stupid glasses, and that stupid jumpsuit. There's only so much a girl can take, and then you want me on top of that, just to...
- Boo? Boo-boo? - Sue'? Boo-boo? Boo-boo? What happened? Wait, wait, wait. What happened? Susan, are you okay? - Sit down, sit down, sit down. - It's the baby. It's the baby. It's finally happening. He's right here. Who's it? Bob, tag him. - Are you kidding me? - What? There's something wrong with her baby. There's nothing wrong with that baby. It's a fake. If you won't do it, then tag me. I'm gonna do it. Oh, yeah. Fine. You want me to tag you, then? Oops, I missed. As usual, you're completely wrong. This? You think I'm wrong? This is so over the top! This is obvious.
Are you kidding me right now? You know what? This feels like a scene from What Would You Do? You get put in a precarious situation, and you have to make the right decision. It's all actors and cameras. It's not great television, but it hooks me in. What? Come on. All right, we're good. We're gonna get to the hospital.