Zootopia (titled Zootropolis or Zoomania in various regions) is a 2016 American animated buddy cop action comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It was directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore, co-directed by Jared Bush (in his feature directorial debut), and produced by Clark Spencer, from a screenplay written by Bush and Phil Johnston, and a story by Howard, Moore, Bush, Johnston, Jim Reardon, Josie Trinidad, and Jennifer Lee. The film stars the voices of Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Jenny Slate, Nate Torrence, Bonnie Hunt, Don Lake, Tommy Chong, J. K. Simmons, Octavia Spencer, Alan Tudyk, and Shakira. Taking place in the titular city where anthropomorphic mammals coexist, it tells a story of an unlikely partnership between a rabbit police officer and a fox con artist as they uncover a criminal conspiracy involving the disappearance of some of its predatory citizens. Zootopia premiered at the Brussels Animation Film Festival in Belgium on February 13, 2016, and went into general theatrical release in Disney Digital 3-D, RealD 3D, IMAX 3D, and 4DX formats in the United States on March 4. Zootopia received positive reviews from critics, who praised its screenplay, animation, voice acting, subject matter, and Michael Giacchino's musical score. The film opened to record-breaking box offices in several countries, and earned a worldwide gross of over $1 billion, making it the fourth-highest-grossing film of 2016. Among other accolades, the film was named one of the top ten best films of 2016 by the American Film Institute and won Best Animated Feature at the 89th Academy Awards. A television spin-off series, Zootopia+, premiered on Disney+ on November 9, 2022, while a sequel, Zootopia 2, is scheduled for release on November 26, 2025.
Haven't seen him in a couple of weeks. But, hey, you should talk to his yoga instructor. I'd be happy to take you back. Thank you so much. I'd appreciate that more than you can imagine, it would be such... You are naked! For sure, we're a naturalist club. Yeah. In Zootopia, anyone can be anything. These guys, they be naked. Nangi's just on the other side of the Pleasure Pool.
Here we go. As you can see, Nangi's an elephant, so she'll totally remember everything. Hey, Nangi. These dudes have some questions about Emmitt the otter. Who? Emmitt Otterton? Been coming to your yoga class for like... 6 years? I have no memory of this beaver. He's an otter, actually. He was here a couple Wednesdays ago, remember? No. Yeah, he was wearing a green cable-knit sweater vest... and a new pair of corduroy slacks. And a paisley tie, sweet Windsor knot. Real tight. Remember that, Nangi? No. And we both walked him out, and he got into this big old white car with a silver trim. Needed a tune-up. The third cylinder wasn't firing. - Remember that, Nangi? - No. You didn't happen to catch the license plate number, did you? Oh, for sure. It was 2-9... T-H-D...
- 0-3. - 0-3. Wow. This is a lot of great info. Thank you. Told you Nangi has a mind like a steel trap. I wish I had a memory like an elephant. Well, I had a ball. You are welcome for the clue... and seeing as how any moron can run a plate, I will take that pen and bid you adieu. The plate. I can't run a plate. I'm not in the system yet. Give me the pen, please. What was it you said? "Any moron can run a plate"? Gosh. If only there were a moron around who were up to the task. Rabbit, I did what you asked! You can't keep me on the hook forever. Not forever. Well, I only have 36 hours left to solve this case. So can you run the plate or not? Actually, I just remembered... I have a pal at the DMV Flash is the fastest guy in there. If you need something done, he's on it. I hope so. We are really fighting the clock and every minute counts. Wait. They're all sloths? You said this was going to be quick! Are you saying that because he's a sloth, he can't be fast? I thought in Zootopia, anyone could be anything.