Meet Joe Black
Meet Joe Black is a 1998 American romantic fantasy drama film directed and produced by Martin Brest, starring Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, and Claire Forlani. Celebrating his 65th birthday, businessman and devoted family man Bill Parrish is visited by Death, who wants to know what it's like to be human in return for giving Bill extra days of his life. The screenplay was written by Bo Goldman, Kevin Wade, Ron Osborn, and Jeff Reno, and is loosely based on the 1934 film Death Takes a Holiday, an adaptation of the 1924 Italian play La morte in vacanza by Alberto Casella.
See, I started in this business because this is what I wanted to do. I knew I wasn't gonna write the great American novel. But I also knew there was more to life than buying something for a dollar... and selling it for two. I'd hoped to create something, something which could be... held to the highest standards. And what I realized was I... I wanted to give the news to the world. And I wanted to give it unvarnished. Uh, the more we all know about each other, the greater the chance we will survive. Sure, I want to make a profit. You can't exist without one, but, uh... John Bontecou is all profit. If we give him license to absorb Parrish Communications... and he has his eye on a few others after us... in order to reach the world, you will have to go through John Bontecou. And not only will you have to pay him to do this, far more important, you'll have to agree with him.
Meet Joe Black
It sounds like you're not leaving much room for discussion. - Thank you. - You're welcome. I know. I'm sorry, I... Looks like I'm reversing my field. That's your privilege, Bill. But given our needs, given the absolute necessity for growth, given the future, the truth is, joining John Bontecou is every bit as certain as death and taxes. - Death and taxes? - Yes.
Meet Joe Black
- Death and taxes? - Yes. - What an odd pairing. - It's just a saying, Mr. Black. - Mmm. By whom? - Doesn't matter. Then why'd you bring it up? You're not familiar with the phrase, "In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes?" - Well, I am now. - Glad I could be of some help. I keep regular office hours if there's any further information you might need... on sayings, common phrases, manners of speaking. My door's wide open. The tea I can provide, perhaps even the milk. Low fat. Yeah, okay, well, uh... I think we've accomplished everything we're going to this morning. Shall we adjourn? But the matter is still on the table, Bill. Joe? Yes.
Meet Joe Black
- Are you sad, Bill? - Yes, I am. Why don't you take a walk or something, get some air? I know I'll be seeing you. Of course. Good. Now I'd like to be alone. This will hold you for a while. - You know about money, don't you? - It can't buy happiness? Yeah. Uh, Jennifer? Give Mr. Black a map of the city, would you? It's okay, Bill. I can manage.
Meet Joe Black
Joe, I don't... I don't have time to see you right now. I'm, um, about to start making rounds, and I'm examining back-to-back patients until dinner, and, uh... Very well. I'll watch. Watch me do what? Make rounds and examine back-to-back patients. Joe, that's impossible. - I'm a doctor. - And I'll be a visitor. - Patients have visitors, not doctors. - I don't mind.
Meet Joe Black