Paddington is a 2014 live-action animated comedy film written and directed by Paul King. It was developed from a story by King and Hamish McColl, which was based on the stories of the character Paddington Bear created by Michael Bond. Produced by David Heyman, Paddington stars Ben Whishaw as the voice of the title character, with Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent, Peter Capaldi, and Nicole Kidman in live-action roles. The film tells the story of Paddington, an anthropomorphic bear who migrates from the jungles of "Darkest Peru" to the streets of London, where he is adopted by the Brown family. Kidman plays a taxidermist who attempts to add him to her collection. A British and French venture produced by StudioCanal UK, TF1, and Heyday, Paddington's principal photography began in September 2013 and wrapped up in June 2014. Colin Firth was originally set to voice Paddington, but dropped out in post-production and was replaced by Whishaw. Paddington was released in the United Kingdom on 28 November 2014 to critical acclaim for Whishaw's vocal performance, humour, screenplay, visual effects and appeal to children and adults. It grossed $268 million worldwide on a €38.5 (~$55) million budget. It received two nominations at the BAFTAs: Best British Film and Best Adapted Screenplay. A sequel, Paddington 2, was released in 2017, with King and much of the cast returning.
So, how much would that be? Batten down the hatches, young 'un. There'll be a storm tonight. The radio said it was clearing up. Radio! I feel it in my knees. My knees never lie. - Guess what, Mrs Bird! We found a bear! - Uh-huh. - A real bear from Peru! - That's nice, dear. You don't seem very surprised. I gave up being surprised when they came up with the microwave oven. And I still don't trust you.
- He can sleep in my room. - He's not sleeping in anyone's room. He's going in the attic. I want you all to lock your doors. I can't find anything about an English explorer in Peru. - Of course you can't. - Why not? He's making the whole thing up. It's the sort of sob story your mother falls for. - Hang on. That's not fair. - It so is fair. You've literally just brought home a random bear. - So embarrassing. - You'd have done the same thing. We're much more similar than you think.
- Mr Brown, are you there? - Yes, hello. Yes, that sounds fine. No, no, no, don't read me the terms and conditions. I want to action this as soon as possible. Don't put me on hold again! Paddington? What is going on in there? Er, nothing. I'm just having a spot of bother with the facilities.
Luckily, I met the Browns, who are letting me sleep in their attic. They have a lovely house, but I'm not going to be allowed to stay. That animal is going straight to the authorities. - What about the explorer? - There is no explorer. I'm not putting this family in danger while you go on some wild-goose chase. First thing tomorrow, that bear is out of here. The Browns are a very curious tribe. Mr Brown is something called a risk analyst. He says that having a bear in the house increases the chances of major disaster by 4,000%.
Mrs Brown illustrates adventure stories. Her latest is set in the old tunnels and sewers under London. She says she's stuck at the moment because she can't imagine what her hero looks like, but has no trouble coming up with nicknames for her daughter Judy, - like "twinkle" and "coconut" and... - Sweety pops? Hello, darling. I was thinking of going to the sewers tomorrow night. I just wondered if you wanted to join me. You could bring this Tony.
Why would I want to bring anyone down the toilet? Come on, darling, it's not like that. It's a subterranean labyrinth that can take you anywhere in the city. It's weird, it smells and it's embarrassing. Sure. Good point. Judy suffers from a serious condition called "embarrassment". She is seeing a boy called Tony but won't bring him home. - So, when can I come round your house? - That's never gonna happen. She is learning Chinese... Could you tell me the way to the central business district?