The Grinch

The Grinch, also known as Dr. Seuss' The Grinch, is a 2018 American animated Christmas comedy film produced by Illumination and distributed by Universal Pictures. The third screen adaptation of Dr. Seuss' 1957 book How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, following the 1966 television special and the 2000 live-action feature-length film, it is Illumination's second Dr. Seuss film adaptation, after The Lorax in 2012. The plot follows the Grinch and his pet dog Max who plan to stop Whoville's Christmas celebration by stealing all the town's decorations and gifts. The film was directed by Scott Mosier and Yarrow Cheney (in the former's feature directorial debut) and produced by Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy, from a screenplay written by Michael LeSieur and Tommy Swerdlow. The film stars the voices of Benedict Cumberbatch as the title character, with Rashida Jones, Kenan Thompson, Angela Lansbury, and Pharrell Williams, who serves as the narrator. The film was announced in 2013, and by 2016, Cumberbatch was cast as the titular character, and Cheney and Peter Candeland were set to direct. However, in 2018, Mosier took over Candeland's position as co-director. Danny Elfman composed the score, with a song written and performed by Tyler, the Creator. The Grinch was released in the United States on November 9, 2018. It grossed over $540 million worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing Christmas film of all time, as well as the highest-grossing Dr. Seuss film adaptation. The film received generally mixed reviews from the critics, who praised the animation and the vocal performances (particularly from Cumberbatch) but criticized the lack of creative license. This was the final Dr. Seuss film adaptation to be released during the lifetime of Seuss's widow Audrey Geisel, who served as executive producer of the film and died on December 19, 2018, five weeks after the film's release.

They'd feast on Who-pudding and rare Who roast beast. Which is something the Grinch could not stand in the least. And then they'd do something he liked least of all. Every Who down in Who-ville, the tall and the small, would stand close together with Christmas bells ringing. They'd stand hand in hand, and the Whos would start singing. ♪ Fah who foraze ♪ ♪ Dah who doraze ♪ ♪ Welcome Christmas, come this way ♪ ♪ Fah who foraze ♪ ♪ Dah who doraze ♪ ♪ Welcome Christmas, Christmas Day ♪ ♪ Welcome, welcome ♪ ♪ Fah who rahmus ♪ ♪ Welcome, welcome... ♪ They'll sing, and they'll sing, and they'll sing, sing, sing, sing! Yes, he couldn't recall without feeling the sting. So the Grinch finally declared... I must stop this whole thing.

The Grinch

Why? For 53 years, I've put up with it. Now... I must stop this Christmas from coming. But how?

The Grinch

Then he got an idea. An awful idea. The Grinch got a wonderful, awful idea. I know just what to do. I'm going to steal their Christmas.

The Grinch

All the trimmings, all the trappings, all their gifts and garlands! When they wake and see it's gone, then all their joy and happiness will be gone as well.

The Grinch

So prepare yourself, Max. For tomorrow... We begin!

The Grinch

Genius starts with the abs, Max.

The Grinch

It's go time. ♪ What are the rules for breakfast today? ♪ ♪ What are the words I'm forbidden to say? ♪ ♪ I need to let my hair down ♪ ♪ And grow it like a real ah, ah, ah. ♪ And now... the question we have all been waiting for: How will I steal Christmas? Well, prepare to have your little doggy mind blown. Poof.

The Grinch

Ta-da! That's right, I become... Santa Claus. But instead of giving all the joy and happiness, I'll take it away. If he can deliver Christmas to the whole world in one night, then I can certainly steal it from little old Who-ville. I mean, come on. What's Santa have that I don't? That's hurtful. Um, what are you doing with my bowling ball? Chasing it. And you're taking it where? - It's a secret. - All right. But not without breakfast. Catch! Whoa! Waffles! My favorite! Thanks! See you guys later! Here we go. - Hey, Cindy-Lou. - Oh, hey there, Mr. Cubbins.

The Grinch

Ca-caw! Ca-caw!

The Grinch

Woot, woot.

The Grinch

- Ready. - All right. Let's go.

The Grinch


The Grinch

Hold on! Whoo! Yeah!

The Grinch

Let's go, let's go. Let's move.

The Grinch

Hang on. - Whoo! - And... dismount.

The Grinch

So, what do we know? Waffles are delicious. Super delicious. But I meant about meeting Santa. We know no one's ever done it. Hmm... Okay. How about this? I'm going to sit in the living room with my eyes wide open like this, and if I start to drift off, I'll just open them wider! Um, I'm pretty sure you're gonna fall asleep. - And by the time you wake up... - He'll be gone. Nothing but cookie crumbs. Yeah, you're right. - I got it! - Tell me! Maple syrup. All right, maple syrup. We pour it on the roof, the reindeer get stuck, and then they can't fly away. Science! Won't the syrup just freeze? - Good point. - Also, how do we get all that syrup on the roof? Yeah, I got nothing.

The Grinch

Wait a minute. - I think I got it. - What? We're gonna need the whole gang for this one. Okay. If I'm going to become Santa, then I need to get into character.

The Grinch

All right, let's see. "Christmas Tree." "Christmas Traditions." "Christmas Pudding." How does pudding work its way into everything? Where is the Santa stuff? Look at this. Little girls and boys giggling over sugarplums. Oh. Look how they did the roof of the gingerbread house with vanilla icing. Little... family of gumdrops.

The Grinch

So dumb. So, so stupidly dumb.

The Grinch

Ah, here we are. "The Legend of Santa Claus." Red suit, white beard, always in a jolly mood. Oh. That's not gonna happen. Oh, well. Let's just start by finding ourselves some reindeer.

The Grinch