Wish Dragon
Wish Dragon is a 2021 animated fantasy comedy film written and directed by Chris Appelhans (in his feature directorial debut) and produced by Sony Pictures Animation and Tencent Pictures. The film stars Jimmy Wong, John Cho, Constance Wu, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Jimmy O. Yang, Aaron Yoo, Will Yun Lee, and Ronny Chieng. Jackie Chan produced the film and voiced Cho's role in the Chinese Mandarin version. It tells the story about a college student named Din Song, who encounters a teapot inhabited by a dragon named Long, who has the power to grant three wishes. Wish Dragon was released theatrically in China on January 15, 2021, and on Netflix internationally on June 11, 2021.
Okay, you got me. Where are the hidden cameras? -Great joke, guys. -Joke? -Is this a hologram or something? -I assure you not. -[dramatic music rises] -[Din] Ah! Do you wish for a suit of armor made of solid gold? It shall be so. Do you wish for the strength of 1,000 men? Boom! -It shall be so. -Whoa. For the finest carriage in all the land? Pow! It's yours! The wings of a hawk! [caws] Or the legs of a giraffe. Feels good up here, right? Or anything else that your heart desires.
Wish Dragon
-How do you fit in this teapot? -Uh, it's magic. It's a magic teapot. So small. How old are you? -That's not-- -Where'd you come from? -All you need-- -Look at your arms. Why are you pink? Shouldn't you be green? Your face is so soft. I want to touch it. Oh, can you breathe fire? [splutters]
Wish Dragon