Wish Dragon
Wish Dragon is a 2021 animated fantasy comedy film written and directed by Chris Appelhans (in his feature directorial debut) and produced by Sony Pictures Animation and Tencent Pictures. The film stars Jimmy Wong, John Cho, Constance Wu, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Jimmy O. Yang, Aaron Yoo, Will Yun Lee, and Ronny Chieng. Jackie Chan produced the film and voiced Cho's role in the Chinese Mandarin version. It tells the story about a college student named Din Song, who encounters a teapot inhabited by a dragon named Long, who has the power to grant three wishes. Wish Dragon was released theatrically in China on January 15, 2021, and on Netflix internationally on June 11, 2021.
Thanks. I'll just take this inside and have it with a side of calculus. Ah, look at him, all grown up and working hard. Little Din with a college degree. Can you believe it? -I only wish my son had been so dedicated. -Such a good boy. Doing my best. I'm gonna go get sta-- I'm happy for you, kiddo. Your future is all set. -A steady job, a big paycheck! -A shiny new refrigerator. -A nice car. -And a flat screen. Big one! Now, now, stop distracting him! -He's got work to do. -Din! I'll be right over. Uh, yes, so much work to do. I better get started on that-- Here's the assignment. The teacher said if you don't come to at least one class this semester, he's going to fail you. Oh, hey, Ms. Din. Even if you ace the final… again. I'm sorry.
Wish Dragon
I knew it. You've been skipping school and lying to your mother. What have you been doing? Lounging in some internet cafe? -Can you believe it? -Such a bad boy. You're not helping! Why do this? You're a good student! You could ruin your future. -True. There goes the college degree. -You're not helping! -I just-- -Just what? I was just doing a little side job. Side job? You have one job, and one job only. That is to study. -I know, but-- -But what? What could possibly be more important than studying?
Wish Dragon