Snatch is a 2000 crime comedy film written and directed by Guy Ritchie, featuring an ensemble cast and set in the London criminal underworld. The film contains two intertwined plots, one dealing with the search for a stolen diamond, the other with a small-time boxing promoter (Jason Statham) who finds himself under the thumb of a ruthless gangster (Alan Ford) who is ready and willing to have his subordinates carry out severe and sadistic acts of violence. The film shares themes, ideas, and motifs with Ritchie's first film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. It is also filmed in the same visual style and features many of the same actors.
-Do you want to do it? -That depends. On what? On you buying this caravan. Not the rouge one. The rose. -It's not the same caravan. -Not the same fight. It's twice the size of the last one. The fight is twice the size. And me ma needs a caravan. I like to look after me ma. It's a fair deal. Take it. You're lucky we aren't worm food after your last performance. Buying a tart's mobile palace is a little fucking rich. I wasn't calling your mum a tart. I just meant.... Save your breath for cooling your porridge. Right. And she's terrible partial to the periwinkle blue. Have I made myself clear? Yeah, that's perfectly clear, Mickey. Just give me one minute to confer with my colleague. Did you understand a word of what he said?