The Man from Toronto
The Man from Toronto is a 2022 American action comedy film directed by Patrick Hughes. The film stars Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson, Kaley Cuoco, Jasmine Mathews, Lela Loren, Pierson Fodé, Jencarlos Canela, and Ellen Barkin. The Man from Toronto was released on June 24, 2022, by Netflix. The film received generally negative reviews from critics.
[police radio chatter] It was a low toner situation. Me and my wife, we were going to a cabin. But because of the low toner, I couldn't make out the address. I didn't know if it was a six or an eight. Look, I'm not the Man from Toronto, okay? I'm actually just an idiot from Yorktown. -We're well aware, Mr. Jackson. -So please guys, let me go.
The Man from Toronto
Last year Marín staged a coup to overthrow his own government. He was stopped by US Intelligence, but he and his wife escaped before they were apprehended. He swore revenge on us ever since. -Marín has been planning an attack. -We can't find him. The Man from Toronto was our only way in. And now Marín believes that you are the Man from Toronto. Our only way to find him is if you continue to be the Man from Toronto.
The Man from Toronto
Please, guys. Please, can I just go? You're supposed to meet Marín tomorrow morning in DC. -Are you compliant? -No, I will not do it, okay? I'm not supposed to be in DC tomorrow. I'm supposed to be with my wife. -And if I miss this birthday-- -Santoro can take care of your wife.
The Man from Toronto